Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week theme - Attitudes

 Dear friends,

Here's my entry for 'attitudes'

Peace and love


My entry for this week's theme: "Attitudes"

"You like my watches?"

On a rough day,
In front of a jewelry shop,
Alongside a very small street
Downtown San Jose, Calif


My entry for this week's theme: "Attitudes" (Part 3)

This "sculpture" stood in front of the famous Hergetova Restaurant in Prague (great restaurant, by the way. Highly recommended if you're ever in Praha). I think this is enough to get me in trouble with the Blogmistresses! :-)


My entry for this week's theme: "Attitudes" (Part 2)

Một thái độ , một cách nhìn đời...

Bánh xe luân hồi lăn trên đường nhựa
Lữ khách bâng khuâng vấp phải mây
Mặt trời tắt ngấm bỏ vào túi
Miếng cơm manh áo nhảy vào đời
Thời gian tích tách nơi thiền tịnh
Giọt máu, giọt mưa đẹp tuyệt vời
Sáng nay thức dậy, gói ghém tâm hồn gọn ghẽ
Tôi lửng thửng bước đi về phía chân trời bên chân người


My entry for this week's theme: "Attitudes" (Part 1)

Dear Pho Nhoms,

This picture of a young girl I saw at a party is entitled: "Old Fart's Friend" (just look at her name tag). For our european friends, that would translate as "Amie d'un vieux con" (!).

Triet (a.k.a. "Vieux con")

My entry for this week theme - Attitude

This is how my son, Brian, looks when I take a picture of him.
It seems as if he wants to say : "Dad, you're annoying!"


Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week theme Touching pleasure


 Gu* ?i  truoc   herbivore day J


Friday, April 8, 2011

FW: [MC74 and Friends] Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme: "Touching Pleasure"

The CuRveS

Just heavenly ! J

Have a great weekend everyone !

---------- Forwarded message ----------

  Dear friends,

  it was interesting to note that female entries for the theme of
  Touching Pleasure  are mainly concentratted on their beloved pets
  ° BiTI ( Pom) Caro  NH ( Rufio) Caro TD ( ChouChou,Nikki),
     Kh Liem (deer) : one can feel through the incredible photos all their
   love  towards their little darlings : LOVING TOUCHING PLEASURE
   ° Lan Dior (verdant meadow) .Biti (sandy beach, rare bird feathers),
      EMCI ( silky hair) : here, everything speaks of  SENSUAL TOUCH
      the clouds are a sort of impalpable dream...
  while male entries focus on "fantasies" through statues (Hi Dux- Doug)
  or beautiful creature (TNS) .

  I'm the one to surprise my man petting a stone in the World of  Diamonds ,
  Gemstones,Pearls... What a contrast !

  In summary, more than the quality of the image, your soul HAS SPOKEN !

  Loving you,

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme: "Touching Pleasure"

Pour continuer sur le même mood que Triêt, je me permets de vous envoyer un petit poème écrit il y a quelque temps. Un ami de mc74 m' avait dit un jour avoir eu un " flash" dans le métro, il a cru reconnaitre un ancien amour sur le quai du métro , puis pfuuit !!  C était un soir d Automne en rentrant du travail, il faisait froid et sombre, ce fut comme une belle lumière l' espace d 'un instant
Je suis partie sur cette histoire pour imaginer ceci

Souvenirs d'Automne

Ta bouche est une rose
Sur laquelle s 'est posé mon souffle brûlant
Je 'ai jamais goûté à la douceur de l' hydromel
Qu' à travers la saveur de nos langues emmêlées
Au creux de mon cou tu avais enfoui ton visage
Et sur mon corps ta chevelure soyeuse a ruisselé
M' enveloppant comme une caresse de tes doigts aériens
A travers l'étoffe mince j' avais dessiné
La courbe de tes seins , le grain de ta peau
T 'éveillant, m 'éveillant aux feux inassouvis .
Une portière qui claque , le métro aérien qui file
Sur l' autre Quai , cette silhouette qui s éloigne.
Mon coeur s 'accélère ,ma tête explose,j' ai du mal à respirer
Je m' engouffre dans l' escalier, je te cherche
Les couloirs du métro sont vides .
Je suis là , seul, en rêve éveillé
L 'espace d 'un instant j' avais cru t 'apercevoir
Revenir trente et une années en arrière
Entendre ton rire , humer le parfum de ta peau
Dans la nuit, tu as de nouveau disparu.

hy hoà

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme: "Touching Pleasure"

Je Devrais Te Dire

Voici ce que je devrais te dire
Que ton image est restée
Une petite boule chaude logée contre ma tempe
Ton regard me parcourt avec la grâce d'une lumière
Ta silhouette frêle j'avais peur d'étreindre
De peur qu'elle ne fonde dans mes paumes comme du cristal
Ce sourire, moue boudeuse qui te donne une bouche
Et des lèvres qui murmurent du vent,  naivetés d'enfant
Un soir, je me rappelle, tu jouais,
Sur le clavier éteint l'oiseau rare est descendu
Attiré par le bonheur intense que rayonnait mon âme
Et je me suis dit
J'aimerais te toucher le cœur de ma langue
Quand on s'embrassera
Te caresser du dedans
Quand on fera l'amour
Enfin bref je t'aime
Voilà ce que je devrais te dire
Pour l'instant.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week theme Touching pleasure

Dear fellows Pho' Nhoms\ en herbe, hoa si~, thi si~, art critic Mr. Kiu, and Forum friends,

It seemed to me that you all like this theme :-). As most of you have submitted your entries already and with so much enthusiasm too, it put me under a lot of pressure :-).

Since announcing the theme, I have been spending my time admiring your entries instead of taking care of mine, and the more I did that, the lazier I got. It was so much fun, "ngoi^\ vat' cha^n le^n, ngam' hinh\ cua? nguoi\ khac' chup" and make comments! (isn't it Mr. Kiu?)

The only problem with that is, as a slowpoke it would be a tad embarrassing for me to go after the other slowpokes (who know very well who they are :-)), and harass them for their entries.
So here it is my humble entry with its humble introduction (
plzzz plzzz BiTi, let's not exaggerate here, my little introductions to my entries are no poems), in an attempt to describe my dreaming pleasure of touching a cloud. 

I closed my eyes and I reached out,
Like the tree branches, I touched a cloud.
As light as a spring scarf, it floated in the wind.
Soft like a baby's cheek, it made my heart sing.
I closed my eyes, I imagined.

Good night from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Le rosier du jardin

  Le rosier du jardin
  Porte toujours une rose,
  Qui fleurit sous un ciel bleu,
  Bel ami de mon cœur!
  Le rosier que je vois,
  Dès que je pense à toi,
  Porte une seule fleur,
  Si jolie sur sa branche!

  Le rosier que je plante,
  Soupire à la lune blanche,
  Les soirs et nuits d'été,
  Quand le vent courbe le blé,

  Ô Rosier du jardin!
  Tu n'es jamais parti au loin,
  Tu vois, moi qui pars, je reviens,
  Sans cesse auprès de toi!

  Le rosier du jardin,
  Porte toujours une rose,
  Qui fleurit sous un ciel bleu,
  Car je pense bien à toi                                                                                                                       

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Fw: My entry for this week's theme: touching pleasure

Salut BT, MC et al,
So sorry for missing many postings, have to run after too many deadlines!
We have many common affinities, and pets are one of them, very close to our heart.
Here are my adorable ChouChou and Nikki.
Enjoy the sunny week,
TD Caro

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] entry for the theme Touching Pleasure

Dear pho' nhoms\ en herbe, hoa. si~, thi si~ MC, BT, CTT , TNS,  Thuan,  Duc, Doug, Mr. Kiu, Triet, Hien-Khiem,  Tuan, Diep, Hien-Lan, T-Huong, Tuan, BeLan, HyHoa, Caro, Minh-Thuy & all MC friends:
Here is my photo entry for this week  "Pleasure to touch" at the Petting Zoo with my children.
( this photo was taken when my little boy was 4; we went to visit the Zoo all the time & have so much fun at the Petting Zoo; there are so many wonderful & friendly deer that
 let us caress & touch the;  sharing sweet moment together  )
Wish you all happy @ every moment!

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] entry for the theme Touching Pleasure,

my little entry for the theme Touching Pleasure,
a photo taken at Baselworld, last week.

My entry for this week's theme: touching pleasure

Between Touching and Pleasure.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Fw: My entry for this week's theme: touching pleasure

Dear Friends,

Touching pleasure  … you asked?  

Have you ever pet a Pom?

Walk barefoot in the sand?

been tickled with a cat's tail?

such simple pleasures :-)

take it from me BT.

PS> Philippe was my little prince. A fluffball of  silky hair, the cutest and smartest little Pom he was. I like to believe that now he is a cute fluffly little cloud in the sky in the day and a bright little star at night. And always, he'll remain always my beloved little Philippe …


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Theme for the week: touching pleasure

Hi everybody,

Have not kept up with all your email lately, just been overworked!

My contribution for touching pleasure is my beloved Welsh Corgi, Rufio... Research has shown that a few minutes of stroking pets not only triggers "feel good" hormones like serotonin, it also incurs decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which alleviates depression... So Rufio not only provides wonderful touching pleasure, his hair is soft and silky, he's a great and cheerful companion, and I love him to pieces and just cuddling him makes me happy!!! This photo is taken in a dog friendly beach in Long Beach, CA...



Fw: [MC74 and Friends] The grass is always greener on the other side

Dear BT & MC and friends,

Here is my entry for the new theme : Touching Pleasure,



From: mai-chau nguyen <>
Sent: Sun, April 3, 2011 8:28:35 PM
Subject: [MC74 and Friends] Theme for the upcoming week

Dear pho' nhoms\ en herbe, hoa. si~, thi si~,
The theme for next week is ......Touching pleasure (s). Anything that would bring you pleasure to touch; for  example, your cat,  sand, water, .and as we had mentioned before...may be vo*. o^ng hang\ xom' (at your own risk).
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday, and have a wonderful week


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Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Theme for the upcoming week - Touching Pleasure

Tha^'y Hi-Duc thich cho*i tu*o*.ng, thi` mi`nh cu~ng cho*i tu*o*.ng mo^.t cu' vo*'i ba.n, cho no' oa'ch nhe'!

"Lo^.n me`o -da^'t!"


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Theme for the upcoming week - Touching Pleasure

Hi EmCi, BiTi,
my entry is titled ... " Deprived of Touching Pleasure " ... (taken in the  Park in Santiago de Chile)

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I'm only one step ahead of exp(i*Pi) ._,___

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] GUESS WHAT?