Saturday, February 9, 2013

My last entry for Something Asian

My last entry for Something Asian

Something Asian


Tet parade in Little Saigon

Japanese Doll

Korean BBQ

Happy Tet everyone!

Something Asian



Dear Em Ci Twin, Fellow PNEHs, Mr Q and Friends.

 With Tet just around the corner (and plenty of
camellias in the neighborhood :)) I have some things
Asian for you and hope that it will bring you"
- lots of rosy moments in the year of the snake (1st att.)
- lots of sweets (2nd att.)
and last but not least
- lots of coupling LOL and doubly so with the last 2

Happy snaking in 2013 :-)

Something Asian

Cher(e)s  hai ba chu?  blog , OCF et ami(e)s Pho Nhom ,
Voici une composition  Something Asian .

Me^’n chu’c cac ba.n na(m mo*’i Quy’ Ty. va.n su*. nhu* y’ , tra`n da^`y nie^`m vui va` hanh phu’c .

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Something Asian


Dear MC, BT and friends
Some asian pictures.

my entries for something Asian from Hong Kong (continued)

my entries for something Asian from Hong Kong


Love your shots, there's something very charming about No. 2 and I absolutely love No. 3

Here are some Tet inspired shots from Hong Kong, taken in a rush due to the hectic schedule...
