Saturday, July 30, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Nuit d'ete

Ca fait belle lurette que les poetes du forum ne se sont manifestes! Ma muse poetique, quant a moi, entre deux changements de couches,s'en est alle ailleurs (si elle a jamais ete avec moi). Je plagiarise donc un poeme que j'ai pondu en 2005 sur le theme des amants desunis, qu'on a lance sur ce forum.
Đêm sao Berkeley – Theme des amant desunis ou Nguu Lang Chuc Nu (Nguyễn Thanh Sơn – Berkeley 2005)

Ngàn sao lấp lánh trời mông lung
Đêm khuya reo rắt tiếng côn trùng
Nhắp chén rượu cay trong đêm hạ
Núi rừng trùng điệp ta với ta
Tiếc nhớ ngày nao tình nồng cháy
Giữa cảnh thiên nhiên tay nắm tay
Môi tìm làn môi lắm mặn mà
Nhưng đến bây giờ tình phôi pha

De^m tra(ng Ottawa – Theme des amants reunis (Nguyen Thanh Son – Ottawa 2011)

Tra(ng vang soi sa'ng troi menh mong
Liu lo tieng hat chon thu phong
Thuong chen tra thom trong dem ha
Sau vuon thuong uyen la chen hoa
Nho den dem nao noi xu la
Can chen ruou nong chi minh ta
Nay trong dem thau tinh dam tham
Loi ngot ben tai khe thi tham.


Some pictures of Umbrella, sun or rain.
Lincoln Road in Miami Beach, the street vendor in Mexico, and Rain in Berkeley

Re: [MC74 and Friends] gentle reminder to PNEHs re: Summer

MC oi, 
Da. da, ,,,,ba^?m nu*o*`ng, TH dda^`u ta('t ma(.t to^'i nhung khong da'm que^n nhung loi  ddu*o*`ng ma^.t ngo.t nga`o de^~ thu*o*ng de^~ me^'n cua nuong toi hom ay :-)))
DocAwake ui,
"Co`n tho* co`n ru*o*.u co`n xua^n ma~i
Co`n ma~i xua^n co`n ru*o*.u vo*'i tho*"
"Khi ti?nh ru*o*.u lu'c ta`n canh
Ba^`u tie^n chuo^'c ru*o*.u ca^u tha^`n no^'i tho*"
Doc ddu*`ng lo, Doc cang say, tho cang hay, hon nua khong ai cuoi nen Doc ha~y cu*' say, say cho quen ca khong gian lan thang ngay...
"Dda^'t say dda^'t cu~ng la(n quay
Tro*`i say tro*`i cu~ng ddo? gay ai cu*o*`i"  :-))

Dear MC, BT and Friends,
Attached are my entries for the summer theme. Hopefully I will get an A+  :-)))
Enjoy your summer everyone!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] gentle reminder to PNEHs re: Summer

Dear fellows PNEH, hoa shi, thi shi, and Mr. Kiu,

This summer has been the most brutal in years.  With temps above 100 since the end of June and no end in sight (perhaps September?), we can only dream of a summer place bathed in a warm sunlight and a gentle cool breeze.  Ahh, how I wish.

Here's my 2 for 1 entry J for the summer and umbrella theme, California Dreaming…

and my favorite summer song.  Stay cool and have great weekend everyone !


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] gentle reminder to PNEHs re: Summer

Dear MC,

Your  "doi no" is so effective that I've had to stay up to look for summer-themed pictures to submit before the deadline comes and goes. So here are, without further ado, my summer submissions.

As BT said, when it rains, it POURS! I just didn't know where to draw the line, as summer offers limitless opportunities for fun outdoor activities and photo ops. Summer most of all conjures up for me myriad images of beach vacations, blooming flowers, mouth-watering fruits, and lazy days at the pool, so here's an assortment of pics taken over the last few summers that sum up for me what the season is all about:

- Beachgoers at Nha Trang beach
- Blooming Roses
- Sand Castles
- Tree-ripened Figs

I hope you'll enjoy looking at the pics as much as I've enjoyed taking them!


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for Umbrellas

Hi everybody,

This theme reminds me of the movie starring young Catherine Deneuve " Les parapluies de Cherbourg "... especially MC's collage of 1st Avenue!

Comme le temps est au beau fixe a Los Angeles et pas de pluie a l'horizon, on va se contenter de parasols au lieu de parapluies...

So here's my contribution, taken by the poolside this week end in Palm Spring...


Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Summer theme

Dear Emci &Biti and friends,

BT  said:

> I also love the summer aquarelles, THuong oi dep qua' , TNS's beach
> umbrella with the pretty lady, Liem's colorful umbrellas (great job!),
> Caro's super cute photo, and Tuan's pool photo. For me aussi, somehow
> the scene and sound of poolside always bring to mind summer time, and
> souvenirs of the days at CSS !!! 

Your wish is my command, BT :) so i'd like to send in this picture  for the "summer " theme :  a pool surrounded by cabanas, taken at 8pm on a summer night .  Does it remind you of CSS?

I thought it is lovely and peaceful so you can forgive the poor quality of my photo :)


PS: CTT, je vais bien. J'ai pas pu t'envoyer, a toi et les amies helvetiques,  du KhoBo car  j'ai rate BeLan avant son depart.   Alors, on doit attendre la prochaine visite  d'un/une amie de Suisse pour vous regaler du KhoBo ou d'autres gourmandises ....salees  :),  de ma part .

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] My entries for Umbrellas

Dear Fellows PNEH, hoa. si~, thi si~ and art critic, and Forum friends

Here are my entries for Umbrellas. Since I have so many (sorry BiTi, you did not expect this flood from me when you came up with this theme, did you?) I will put them in chronological order. You will notice that time after time, they all have this blurry effect, for various reasons.

Beach Umbrella: picture taken a year ago in Hawaii. I started to take pictures at that time, and did not understand why all my photos came out blurry. I consulted my in-house expert who asked me whether I waited for my camera to focus. Naturally I did not understand the question. So very patiently the expert explained to me that first I needed to press the button halfway, waited for the little box to come up, then pressed the button all the way down. I was so thankful and happy. I thought my problem was solved...

Red umbrellas: picture taken last month in Bruges. The quality of the photo has not improved much since last year . Why? I did press halfway, waited for the little box to come up before pressing all the way down. But, I was nervous that Mai Han would turn around and snatch my camera for stalking her...

Waiting for the rain to come: also taken last month, in Amsterdam. Not too clear. Reason? I am not sure why. I thought I took all the right steps, and I was not even nervous. May be I was hungry that day, so my hands trembled?

Pink umbrella: photo taken on Sunday. I took a walk around the neighborhood trying to shoot pictures of the sunbrellas. I saw this peachy pink one that I liked. I quickly tried to take a photo. 
I was so afraid that the owners would come out and ask me why I was taking picture of their house... Not surprisingly the photo came out fuzzy.

Umbrellas on 1st Avenue:  Photos taken this afternoon on 1st Avenue. After many days of scorching sun, it was pouring rain this afternoon. So I took the opportunity to shoot pictures of umbrellas in the rain. I got more than a few unwelcoming glares from passers-by, as I was taking pictures from the car. Result? When I showed Chuong my collage, he said "they look okay Mom, but why are they not sharp? You have to try better if you want to post the pictures on the blog" !!! Oh well, I do hope that my twin BiTi and all of you are way more indulgent than my son.

from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fw: RE: [MC74 and Friends] PNEH: Umbrella

Dear MC,  BT, Mr. Kieu, CTT, TNS, Tuan, THuong, BeLan, Triet, Thuan, Khiem-Hien, Duc, Doug, All PNEH  & all  Romantic Friends,
I just like to follow TNS  and Tuan awesome entries,  & here are my contribution for this week "Umbrella".
( This afternoon, I went out to look for some umbrella & luckily  I saw these white umbrellas…
I found it a little boring & less colorful so I made  one version of this photos using a  "painting" software,
& Wowww, to my surprise,  some of the colors came out in an interesting way, just like colors from a  kaleidoscope... 
 the first photo, I was using a software that add sharpness to over all & some Orange color to make it more interesting…)
Enjoy your Sunday evening
Cheers from Liem

PNEH: Umbrella

I was strolling on Carlsbad Beach that summer day.
The vibrant color of the umbrella was not the only thing that caught my eyes. :=)


RE: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for Summer

Hello  2 ba`chu ? blog , KLiem, Triet , BLan , Quang ,  HLan , TNS , Caro Nhu Hoa ,Tuan et amis PNHE ,

Vos photos d’ ETE  m’ont fait oublier  le temps maussade à Paris  depuis debut juillet . Chaque photo  de vous  apporte un rayon de soleil et remplie les yeux de couleurs et de saveurs de l’été .
A mon tour d’apporter ma petite contribution . En premier , une terrasse de cafe bondée sous un soleil radieux et en deuxieme , une lumiere d’été dans le midi à l’heure de la sieste J

KLiem , BLan et Quang , merci beaucoup pour vos gentils commentaires et compliments ;-) .

A  celles et ceux qui s’interessent au tour de France , c’est l’australien Cadel Evans le vainqueur . Avant l’arrivée sur les Champs Elysées les coureurs sont passés devant chez moi ..pfft..5 secondes !

Un bel été à tous,



Summer were spent with our kid's swim meets, or mingling with locals at some unfamiliar places.

Fw: Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for SUMMER

Hi BT, MC & friends

I'm in awe of your creative entries, some lively and luminous, others evocative and beautiful...

When I think of the summer theme, I'm thrown back to those carefree days vacationing in Vung Tau... We used to go there every summer and stay at my aunt's waterfront villa. We went swimming at Bai Sau every day until my usually fair complexion turned to caramel. I loved those lazy lunches at one of the restaurants by the beach (fresh crabs, canh chua, thit kho etc), the bike rides with my cousins to Bai Truoc every afternoon to eat ca lem and pick up rocks and shells... The evenings were spent playing cards or war games... To my delight, my cousin recently emailed me this candid photo he took of me in Bai Sau... typically mischievous! Those were my favorite summer memories.
