Saturday, October 29, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] HALLOWEEN

Hello BT, MC and fellow PNEH

BT, I also went to a Halloween party last night, but it was only for grown ups... Here are my contributions...

[MC74 and Friends] HALLOWEEN

Dear Em Ci, fellow PNEH and friends,

Here are more entries for Halloween shot last night at a party, there
were lots of kids ... but I can get them to stand still ( need Hien Lan's
help next year :-)). 

Have a merry WE and a HAPPY HALLOwEEN  Monday !!!!

Re: [MC74 and Friends] my additional entry for CHILDREN

Dear Blog Bosses, fellow PNEH's, friends, comrades, accomplices, partners in crime, et al.,
Mindful of Ms BiTi's concern for lawsuits, and heeding Ms EmCi's advice, I am sending in pictures of my own children for the CHILDREN theme. This is a fairly easy assignment for me, since I have hundreds of the children's pictures -:).
The first 2 pics were taken of my youngest, cu Khoa, at his 5th birthday party 2 years ago.
The third picture was of my oldest, cu Kho^i, with his "girlfriends" and the snowboarding instructor.
The last 2 were taken in April 2010. In one, cu Kho^i was entertaining his little sister with a hand trick he had learned moments before.


Friday, October 28, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] My entries for Halloween

Dear MC, BT,  PNEHs and Friends,

Please visit my scary, spooky lane...

Let's catch the spirit!


Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

[MC74 and Friends] my additional entry for CHILDREN

My dear twin, fellows PNEH, painters, poets, Mr. Kiu and forum friends,

this photo of one of the most gorgeous babies I've ever seen was taken with the mother's permission. 

I saw the mother and child at the Farmers' Market in Midtown Manhattan. I thought they both looked beautiful, and I loved the colors of the mother's African outfit and the piece of cloth in which she carried her baby. I followed them for a while, trying to take a picture. But the mother was going from one stall to another and kept moving around, so I could not take any decent photo. Finally, she left the market and walked a few blocks to get a sandwich in Subway. I followed them inside Subway and decided to try my luck and ask for her permission to take their picture.
To my total surprise and delight, she smiled and said yes, and even patiently posed for me. I felt as if I just won a prize, and it made me happy the whole day.

He was tightly wrapped up, so I did not encounter any difficulty in taking his photo, without having to resort to Hie^n\ Lan's technique of taking pictures of babies, i.e. dig a hole in the sand to put him in (not sure how his mother would have reacted if I did that :-))

 from be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: my second entry for CHILDREN

Dear BT, MC, Trang, Mr Kiu, Thuy-Hoa, Caro, Hien-Lan, Phuong, BeLan, TNS, Triet, Thuan, Khiem-Hien, BeDiep,  Tuan, Doug, CTT,  HyHoa, Phuong-Chi,  ThuHuong,  All PNEH  & Friends,  
I've been enjoying all the "Cool photos" &  the wonderful - witty writings very much, it makes my “every day” !!!!
Here are a  small contribution for this week new theme “ Children”
( these are actually my wonderful & special moments with the children ):

1-   My friend’s 2 little boys who’re always playing hard
2-    My little boy “Pascal” with “Ty” who is Lam’s (MC75) little boy
3-   Children enter the classroom in the morning
4-   Alaia (my daughter) & Pascal ( her little brother) talking to each other
Enjoy &  Have a great Thurs. & Friday!!!”

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] FALL AND HALLOWEEN

Dear MC, BT, Hien-Lan, Quang, Thuy-Hoa, CTT, HyHoa, BeDiep, Belan, Khiem, TNS, Ktc & L-Hien, 
 THuong, Tuan, Thuan, Triet, Doug, KimHuong, PhuongChi & all Friends,
I’ve been enjoying to see all your Art works, ‘Nhin suong ca mat!!” 
 because there are not much fall color/scenery in Southern California…
where I live… so I just enjoy you guys' wonderful spirit of the season!!!!
Here are some photos that I took @ my kid’s school to celebrate Halloween,
I've been a happy camper to take the kids  to these events at this time of the year,
kids’re dressing up, running around the neighborhood with friends &  begging for candy...
& I'm the one who enjoy the most of these activities...
Enjoy the spirit of the season  dear Friends,

RE: [MC74 and Friends] CHILDREN

 Cher(e)s  Bao Tram , Mai Chau  et ami(e)s PNEH ,
   Voici quelques portraits  d’enfants :
-        Chi. co~ng em
-        Sortie pour bebe
-        Une petite fille en train de ramasser des coquillage en Bretagne
Bonne semaine à vous ,

[MC74 and Friends] CHILDREN

TWO   CHILDREN ........    TWO   DESTINIES ..........     BIZ   HL

Monday, October 24, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] CHILDREN


Sunday, October 23, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] My entry for Halloween

Dear PNEH friends, my busy bee Twin :-) and all,

Here's my entry for Halloween.  I promise this is it ... for today :-)


[MC74 and Friends] Re: my second entry for CHILDREN

  Dear twin, Fellows PNEH, painters poets, Mr. Kiu

Here is my third entry for the theme. It was a little blurry because the bike was speeding by, and, I must admit that it is a bit of a stretch because the children in the photo were not the main focus of my camera, but that was all I got left from my photo files:-)

[MC74 and Friends] my second entry for CHILDREN

Dear twin, Fellows PNEH, painters poets, Mr. Kiu

Here is my second entry for the theme.

Re: [MC74 and Friends] PNEH - CHILDREN

 OK, ba\ con co^ bac' , qui' vi. quan khach', va\ dde^? ddong' gop' vao\ trong chu*o*ng trinh\, dda^y la\ mo^t. ta^m' hinh\ chup. len'  o*? Bruxelles.

Re: [MC74 and Friends] more Fall entries

Em Ci oi,

Anh Liem di vang ... anh nao` nhay? trong mat em the? hi hi
Love your fall leaves and branches, I follow your footstep and
went out to take some  fall pics ... vuon ong nha and ong hang
xom' van con xanh lam chi co' 

1. cay moon leaf maple bat dau doi mau 
2. cay Gingko thi da thanh blond :-)


[MC74 and Friends] Children

Dear friends
Some pictures of the children (and adults) buiding sandcastles on the beach of San Francisco.
Children dancing in the park


[MC74 and Friends] Fall

Another picture of Fall in my neighborhood

[MC74 and Friends] more Fall entries

Dear twin, fellows PNEH, painters, poets and Mr Kiu,

This afternoon, in between chores, I went out to my next door neighbors' garden and took some more photos for Fall.
And so here are my two additional entries for our theme Fall.

My second entry was inspired by this very short poem which IMHO, is one of the most beautiful love poems. It was written by the late professor Ddinh Ngoc. Mo^ , a wonderful tutor for my older siblings and a family friend. Some of you may recall that he was the very charming Monsieur ddo^' vui dde^? hoc.

Na(ng' nhay? mua' ngoai\ sa^n
La' vang\ bay trong gio'
Va\ anh trong ma(t' em
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


Re: [MC74 and Friends] PNEH - CHILDREN

Cute blue eyes !!!  thanks for opening shop ong chu Forum :-)

Dear Twin, mr. Kiu, fellow PNEH and friends,

Here's my first entry for children.  I just love the indidividual
expression on each kid's face :-)


[MC74 and Friends] PNEH - CHILDREN

According to the mother, they are 10 month old identical twins, a boy and a girl.

A girl in traditional ao dai at cho Tet in Bolsa.

Another picture of the identical twins.