Sunday, May 1, 2011

Fw: Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Friday it's ... eggay day :-) and SURPRISE !

It's a deal MC, I will send to you my file...of flowers , so you and BT can come up with something similar like ...Chiêu Ta'
with nice music  ! and I will do your collage of Nairobi...but no guarantee that it will come out as good as yours !
A risk to take !(thôi cu*' dô? qua dô lai hoai, môi nguoi môt ve? muoi phân ven muoi cho xong nhé!)

I still have 2 entries for the theme "tasting pleasure" may I submit now as latecomer  ? I would particular like these 2 photos
because I took it in Hanoi and it means a lot to me.

Kim Huong oi, you are so sweet to think that I am "hiên' nhu* ma-so*" which is the truth....
and thank you for your little poem that illustrates so well the passion of flowers of many of us in this forum.
hope to see you in the near future, KH o*? Paris ha ?

MC, KH, thank you for your "Sunday Flowers" and your sweet thoughts.
Have a nice sunny day everyone,



  1. Hi BL,

    Just curious, is it banh' gio` ? and what are the drinks in the

    Thanks also for the pics of all the omai, nhin thi la` la. an thi chac
    khong giam' dau :-)


  2. Hi Trâm,

    Nuoc lanh au goût de framboise ! encore un truc bourré de sucre...
    Con' cai' kia la' banh gio' du'ng rôi'.
    A propos de O mai thi không giam là phai?* lam, vi khong biêt mây em pho*i Ò mai o dâu, dan'g ngai lam !
    Did you do your own O mai ? I have my private supplier...from Montréal...duoc an quanh nam... bao? dam? an vao
    la ghiên ngay..(Omai NhuLan).

    Here is my sunday flowers (Bonus)

