Wednesday, August 17, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] My first entry for HOLE

My dear twin BiTi, Fellows PNEH, hoa si~, thi si~ and art critic,

To keep BiTi patient :-), dde^? ca^u gio*\, while I am still searching for more photo ops for the theme, here is my first entry.
Its title is Paparazzi hole. Tu*a. tie^'ng VN ho*i dai\ dong\ la\ "lam\ the^' nao\ dde^? chup. hinh\ len' ma\ kho^ng bi. bat' qua? tang tai. tra^n."

Goodnight from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng



  1. Hi MC

    Love your papparazzi hole, or shall I rename it Tunnel Vision?
    Great angle!


  2. Hello Caro

    Such an acute observation, the best fitting, most original name for the shot
    the Tunnel Vision, captured in the blink of an eye

    The term as concise, expressive, as the subject matter so neatly described

