Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my additional entries for DOORS/WINDOWS

 Dear Twin, Fellow PNEHs, painters, poets, Mai Quang and Forum friends,
Here are some more photos of windows for the theme. The first one was taken while window shopping last summer in Brussels. The second one was taken today on 46th Street in Manhattan.
Goodnight form Be^n Bo*\ So^ng



  1. Hi MC
    Love your entries, esp. the 2nd one, very quaint and charming, birds and all...

  2. Hello Mai Chau

    What a fun set of door/window pictures, of different sizes and varied styles, some simple in appearance, others more colorful,
    yet, all noticeable, thanks to their own individuality

    The pretty pictures, beautifully framed and defty captured from neat angles, are quite eye pleasing

    Especially, the vintage looking green door standing the test of time,
    the door 450 fancily decorated, a throwback to the 70's, the golden
    door/window entrance seemingly mainting a sense of history,
    in spite of it all

    Equally interesting are the pleasing views of the well structured greenbay windows soaring skyward, the inviting door
    with a sweet reminder that "living the good life" is the way to go,
    even more so, in this day and age, when we are usually caught up with the daily rituals


  3. Hi MC,

    Like the 2nd one. With that many pigeons on top, I wonder how many times the owner has to clean that window each day? ... :D


  4. Dear Em Ci,

    Your windows are so whimsical and I love the row of birdies,
    great shots, they make me happy just to look at them.


  5. Hello Mai Quang,
    Thank you for your beautiful comments. I am so encouraged by your kind compliments that I am going to send in more doors and windows, so stay tuned and be ready to write more comments, ok?
    goodnight from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

  6. Thank you Caro, BiTwin and Tri'. You made my day.
    Tri', your funny observation cracked me up.
