Friday, February 11, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Z MC celebrities of 2005

Dear CTT, Triet and Quang,
Thank you for liking the GB poster and Key CiTy :-)
Triet, no I didn't use photoshop for that , I just went on one
of those photo fun site, select the background (GB) and upload
the model (Ktc :-)) et voila`
Speaking of photoshop, here's one I did way back (March 2005, can't
believe it's been that long !) of Z MC celebrities of those days :-)
Who can name them all?
I'll post it to the blog as well so our friends who don't get direct
mail can see what's all about as well.


  1. My dear twin BiTi,

    Beautiful piece of artwork!
    Not hard to guess because none of you have changed. From left to right, top down, Nhu Mai and Tri', Trang, BiTi (Wow, did I see bare midriff? Nice bod, twin :-) )
    BiTi, Caro Nhu Hoa, Anne Anh Hoa, BiTi (again! :-)) , Hy Hoa\.
    Did I guess correctly?

    Big hugs.
    Em Ci

  2. Hello Bao Tram

    Please let me the first to take a shot in the dark, as to the identities of the
    Z MC not so rich, but so famous, among certain MC closed circles

    From the top, first row, from left to right
    Nhu Mai (aka Va Va Voom, as in Hot, Hot, Hot) with Tri
    so happy together, as in the song !
    Nhu Mai again, so in tune in her own world

    Trang DC (aka Anouk Aimee) with her sidekick, alter ego, twin sis

    Trinh Bao Tram (TBT, Biti) (Cai Tram Em Cai`) the artist/ photographer/
    /hippily hip/ flowergirl/ wild child in her element

    second row, from left to right
    Biti again, grinning again, from ear to ear, for no apparent reason :-)
    so radiantly happy, for whatever reason !!!!

    Caroline Nhu Hoa, the ever charismatic, glamorous, graceful, modest
    businesswoman/ world traveler/ multilinguist

    Anne Hoa (am I correct BT ?) residing in France

    third row, from left to right
    Biti again (you are here, there, everywhere !) :-)

    Minh Thuy (aka Chi Hai Sa Dec) (the Vietnamese Maggie Cheung)
    (or Truong Man Ngoc), always lovely as a doll, de thuong nhu poupee

    Hy Hoa, H20, La parisienne, prolific writer with a soul of an artits / jazz lover

