Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for our Forum's photos of the week -- A Kodak Moment

Hello everyone,
I came across an old picture I took long ago of our daughter
Olivia/Huong Giang and her grandpa (She was 3 at the time, she's 16
now). I call it "ÔNG va CHÁU", a variation on the "younger vs older
generations" theme. Isn't the contrast between her cherubic face and
P-A's dad's face interesting? I wish the resolution was better but it
was a long time ago.


  1. What a beautiful photo, Triet! You are a very talented photographer also. The Costco company has an annual photo contest. They already published the winners for the year 2010 and the photos were not as nice as yours!!! Please consider submitting this photo for the 2011 contest. What have you got to lose? I know you have already called the photo "ONG va CHAU". My own name for this piece of visual art would be "Tre gia, mang moc".Your daughter is very pretty, like your wife Phuong Anh. I like her name also (=the Perfume River or the Olive Tree). So this was Olivia with her "ong ngoai"? The photo may be 13 years old and the resolution not sharp enough to meet dad's exacting standards but everyone recognizes a quality photo when they see one, regardless of its age. I love sunflowers so really like Olivia's hat in the picture. I gave Janine Sanchez a bouquet of sunflowers when we visited her in Menton in 2000. She in turn picked branches of lavender flowers growing in the wild around her apartment and dried them for me to take back to the USA to use as sachet. My two favorite "provencal" flowers are therefore the sunflowers (for their cheerful colors) and lavender (for the relaxing scent). At Cafe Tao, our MC friends Cam Nhung and Quoc Hung told me they were going to be "ong ba ngoai" in July 2011. How time flies..

  2. Remarquable !
    Le visage du grand père est incroyablement beau,
    avec des traits si expressifs,la petie affiche déjà
    un certain caractère .
    La photo dégage beaucoup de tendresse. je la nomme
    " Contraste", pas à cause des 2 générations,mais pour
    le caractère "doux" du grand-père et "trempé* de la petite.
    merci Triet.

  3. Bonjour Triet , Diep et les amis

    Je n' ai pas bien suivi les péripéties photographiques ces derniers temps par manque de temps et prend le train en marche, désolée pour toutes les photos manquées des amis, qui doivent être toutes sublimes et très personnelles !Mea Culpa

    Photo très expressive cher Triêt. Rien à dire de plus que les remarques perspicaces de Diep , le contraste de la couleur et de la texture des peaux, la maturité et l 'innocence , nouées par le lien affectif - fierté du grand père /étonnement de la petite fille- prises sur le vif par l'objectif du photographe talentueux entre 2 générations !
    hy hoà

  4. Hi Trie^'t,

    Lovely portrait! I like it a lot.
    Can I claim that one of my proudest achievements for this year so far is to get you to join our group? :-)

    Don't feel too bad about the snow, how about all the ice and sleet that are hitting us here? I rather have snow, at least I can get some fun out of it.
