Monday, February 28, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] For this week's theme 'through the window'

Hi all,

I must say that the artistic talents displayed on this forum are really impressive. It is humbling to be in you all's company. Since we have not had too many poems posted, I will follow the lead of our very talented musician/singer/poet Triet, and humbly send in my modest contribution of a small poem, all the while hoping that "tru*'ng tho^'i" will not be thrown at me.

Tự nhủ

Anh tự nhủ…quyết sẽ không nhung-nhớ,
Không giận-hờn, không suy-nghĩ vẩn-vơ,
Không tương-tư, không thao-thức đợi-chờ
Không buồn-bã những ngày em xa vắng.

Vừa xa nhau, ôi sao lòng vương-vấn,
Nhớ môi thơm đượm ngọt vị yêu-đương,
Nhớ tay đam-mê đưa lối thiên-đường,
Nhớ tình-tự những chiều Đông buốt-giá.

Nhớ làm sao lời yêu tha-thiết quá
Lúc chiều tàn em thủ-thỉ bên tai,
Nhớ làm sao trong đêm vắng canh dài
Tình e-ấp em trao anh trọn-vẹn.

Ôi anh nhớ những buổi chiều hò-hẹn
Đường em về lưu-luyến lúc chia tay,
Ôi nhớ-nhung thao-thức suốt đêm dài,
Anh tự-nhủ…sẽ yêu em mãi mãi!



  1. Did not know you write beautiful poem. Phuc qua! By the way, viet bai tho nay cho em nao do? :=) Khai di, hua se khong mach ba xa dau :=)


  2. Dear Thuan and friends,

    Valentine Day is long past, but our forum continues to get more and more sentimental!

    First, there were melancholic evocations of bygone lustful nights …, then time faded letters of affection, long hidden in antique trunks, reappeared … then nostalgic sighs unveiled a probable subconscious first love overture, ingeniously masqueraded as an innocent, mischievous hair lock snip… then a passionate expression of gallantry flowed out in lyrical waves through a beautiful stained glass window… and now, a sweet offering of an exquisite romantic poem… To whom, Thuan, may I ask, without being too indiscrete, is this enchanting ode addressed, which is so moving that it makes me reach out for a Kleenex tissue?


  3. Thua^n\,
    I am truly so impressed. You just revealed another hidden talent. What a lovely poem! But something is missing with your entry ( Why do I have to remind you as I had to remind Trie^'t? :-)).
    Tho* da^u\ phai? kem\ theo anh? cua? do^i' tu*o*ng. trong bai\ tho* (isn't it the rule, Bi Ti?).

    Em Ci

  4. Thuan:
    I found who is “the dernier des romantics @ MC”


  5. My dear Doc Thuan,

    Such beautiful and romantic words. Congrats Thuan. But wait, I thought you stated previously about living under a dictatorship. Now the truth came out. So it is under the deep spell love, romance, and incessant longing for her presence and whisper that made you so gaga J. Unless… Oh, never mind.


  6. Wow, Thuan, beautiful poem, simple words but genuine emotions. Don gian, cam tinh, ma khong cai luong.

  7. Hats off to you Doc Thuan! Very mui`...! Did you compose that? Hay la` muon cua ai doc cho vo*. nghe. Are you working to "de-throne" Son Tay so you can watch Salt or maybe Black Swan .... let's see ... this coming Xmas? Hump day is tomorrow ! :-)
    Have a great day, friends.

  8. Hello Thuan,

    If you ngam tho nay cho Huong, it must make her swoon... She must be your lovely muse, and she's a lucky gal!


  9. Dear Thuân,

    Ca'm on Thuan da tang bai Tho* "Tu* Nhu?" cho Forum.
    Lo*i tho* rât tu* nhiên, chân thât và môt thoa'ng Xuân Diêu.



  10. Hay qua' Thuân , và ...qua' uot at' lang man !
    Nho lai lân dâu minh gap lai Thuan nam 2003 tai DC ,sau 34 nam,
    Xuân Huong - hay Thuân- kê rang , nàng chanh long vi nhung bài tho tinh tu cua chàng ! Không biêt viêt bang enghish hay tiêng viêt
    Hôi xua 2C9 Thuân da nhu vây chua ?
    Cho phép minh goi biêt danh moi là... Hàn Mac Thuân` !

    Hy Hoà

  11. Ra(`ng xu*a co' Doc O*` We^'ch
    Le^n rum tu*. nhu? ye^u em tro.n ve.n
    Tho^i thi` tho^i chu'ng tre^u ghe.o
    Tho^i thi` tho^i nhe' chuo^`n luo^n tu*` da^y


  12. Now Tuan, you've made me reach for some Kleenex too... from laughing :-)
    Thanks for making my day.

    Dear Doc Awake, Em Ci is right (she's always right in her twin's eyes).
    Maybe you can draw us her portrait? :-)


  13. Hello Doc Awake,
    Bi Ti vo*i' Em Ci noi' dua\ ti' cho*i, chu*' bie^'t cha'c chan' la\ bai\ tho* nay\ Doc Awake lam\ tang cho vo*. Chu*' kho^ng co' le~ nao\ Thua^\n tu*. nhu? la yeu^ em mai~ mai~, ma\ lai. que^n ma^'t em, di lay^' em khac' ? :-)
    Em Ci
    PS: Tho* cua thi si~ duoc nhieu su chu' y' nhu* va^y., Thua^\n ne^n gu*i? the^m nhieu^\ nhieu^\.

  14. M.Chau oi,

    Doc Thuan di la^y’ em khac, nhung van mai~ mai~ yeu em kia, khong “ tu*. nhu?, tu*. thu’ “ thi` dau ai biet dau! Oi, ti`nh chi? dep khi co`n dang do? J

    Thuan oi, tho* cua Thuan uot at tru~ tinh` qua’, lam nguoi doc bun? run? tay cha^n, lo* to* mo*, nguoi cu*’ me^`m nhun~ ra nhu la dang bi danh’ thuoc me^!

    What a beautiful and touching poem! Thank you for letting us take a little peek at your heart “through the window’”…


  15. Sao ma Thuan co nhung tinh-tiec eo-le qua ha? Ai ma “trung-tim-den” nhu Hien ta-chan,

    co duoc trai-tim vua uot-at, vua dau nuc-nhoi trong tim nhung ma vua “suong”!


    Kha'nh Lie^m

  16. A thi ra the.

    Cung nhu tho cua Triet, thi` tho cua Thuan cung la duoc viet luc truoc khi (hoac luc mo*'i) yeu, nhi? ...

    Neu dung nhu loi ke cua Hy Hoa, thi tinh yeu qua that la mot nguo^`n cam hung ... manh liet !

    Nhung co le cung da~ ... la^u roi. Dung hay sai, Thuan?


  17. Hi Thua^\n and Trie^'t,

    I hope both of you will keep sending in more poems, so we can enjoy reading them ( a lot) and... teasing you guys (just a little) :-).
    Em Ci

  18. Hello Khie^m,

    What caught my attention was the rhythm and cadence of poetry in your writing. Very nice. There is quite a poet in you.

    Speaking of long time friend (or so I thought!) K.t.c. "gio* bu'a le^n", then his Queen "gia'ng cho mot bu'a", followed by a...punch from KLiem, then another "bu'a" by TNS! I was lucky that BLan mercifully came to my rescue. Thank you very kindly BLan. You are now my new best friend.

    Thank you HH for remaining a steadfast friend and for your very nice words and kind compliments. Thank you MC and BT for your words of encouragement.

    Dear Duc and Triet: don't know about you guys, but for me, poetry was from a time long past when the heart was young, the mind was clear and fertile with imagination. Today, the heart is old, the body tired, the mind cloudy and...demented, the creaky joints hurting..."nang tho*" doesn't want to be with me anymore!

