Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My first entry for the theme Guess What

Dear Pho' Nhoms\ en herbe and Forum Friends,

Here is my first entry, dedicated to my M&M (Mentor and Muse) twin BiTi. There is a connection between the two objects to be identified. BiTi would be the first one to my second one :-). 



  1. Dear MC:

    Photo # 1: It could be a fan

    Photo # 2: it could be a little toy (wind-blowing fan )?

    Cheers, Liem

  2. Hello Liem

    Very much so, the functional fan vs the more practical one, in time of need !

    Looks like you could be the next winner,
    with a To Pho Ga La Chanh waiting, in store for you :-)
