Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My last entries for Guess What?

Dear pho' nhoms\ en herbe and Forum friends,
These are my last ones for tonight. Just kidding! These are really my last ones for the theme.
For the second photo, guess what I stood next to. Mot to^ pho*? ga\ voi*' la' chanh ....by BiTi for the first person with the correct answer :-).

Good night
from Be^n Bo*\ Nam


  1. Dang la`m viec, nhung nghe den to^ pho ga` la’ chanh nen khong da(`n lo`ng duoc J. MC du’ng ca.nh fire hydrant ?
    Ngoa`i do^`ng ruong duo’i tra(ng

    Ktc z…z…

  2. Hi Ktc from ngoai dong ruong, duoi anh trang,

    mo^t. to^ pho*? vo*'i la' chanh for you from BiTi, and for the speediness of the answer, when you come visit NYC, a burger from the most famous burger joint in Manhattan Shake Shack (if you do not mind the horrendous s a e line), to share with your better half, and to eat next to a NYC fire hydrant. n k

    Good night

  3. BiTi Babee
    That was too easy, wasn't it? :-)
