Sunday, April 17, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week theme: Egg

Dear BT,  MC,  PNEH & Romantic MC Friends:
Hien-Khiem,  BT & BeLan,  your collages are just beautiful, much  fun & show much beauty and grace of the whole MC group.
Hien-Khiem oi:  now I realize that Texas is also a romantic place to be, it doesn't represent only "cows and cowboys" or "Don't mess with Texas"
BeLan,  Montreux is just a heavenly place on earth!  It's surely reflect the enlightenment of the inhabitant
BT, your second entry of the Digital DNA Egg is just a wonder to share with friends,
the last picture's a lot of fun, it's just makes me smile (the model's expression and the real egg-shaped face)

Dear TDCaro:  I love much your  photo from the Barcelona Museum: I'm just in Awe!
CTT, the pigeon Egg shows  so much tenderness in nature just as  motherly love ( or your love with nature )
OMG! THuong, your paintings are so dreamy &  just make us dwelling in heaven
Here are my colored  eggs  that I made this morning for this week's  theme, hope that you like it
Wish you all inspired, saint & safe for the whole week to come!
Cheers from Liem


  1. Dear Liem,

    Thank you for making the eggs, their colors
    are brilliant, beautriful !

    Happy Easter!

  2. Hello Khanh Liem ,
    Hi`nh tru*’ng sa(‘p da(.t , cho*i ma`u that dep ma(‘t ! Une composition sophistiquée de couleurs , de formes et de volumes . Les tons chauds et froids du rouge orange’ et vert toniques vont merveilleusement ensemble . Et le bleu de l’assiette eclaircit les œufs tout en accentuant leur rondeur . L’ensemble forme une composition tres elegante .
    Bonne semaine de Pâques à tous ,

  3. KLiem dear :
    tes oeufs dans un magnifique bol bleu,
    si simple et si raffiné ! j'aime beaucoup.

