Sunday, June 5, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My first entry for the theme Birds

Dear Em Ci and friends,

  I love all your bird collage, it reminds me of a certain forum hi hi
 I also love the beautiful salmon color of the swallow shot.

Liem's daughter and her bird's portrait  is gorgeous, the composition,
the expression, tout!

and TNS's birds  make me long for a vacation :-)

I have a few birds up my sleeve as well, so without further ado here
they are:

1. The dance was taken while on a cruise on the SF bay.
I was dancing on the boat trying to take their pictures as well :-)

2. The blue jays , from Eagle Fall at Emerald Bay - Lake Tahoe

3. And lastly, the seagulls  which you might recognize from TH's
beautiful aquarelle.  I need a beachcation !!! :-)



  1. Nice collages! I esp. like the first one for the sense of freedom it paints through the birds' soaring in the sky. When do we get to see you dance BT?

  2. BiTi dearie,

    Wow, your three entries are simply like beautiful posters.
    I love them all, the first one for the sense of freedom it projected, the second one for the cute and bittersweet love story it seemed to tell us ( it reminded me somehow of TCS's lyrics in his song Ta. o*n "Dù đến rồi đi tôi cũng xin tạ ơn người ..." :-) :-) ), and the third one for its colors and compositions.

    Have a relaxing Sunday now that you have done your PNEH job :-)
    As to your twin from be^n Bo*\ So^ng, I'm going back to my Sunday chores (-:

