Saturday, August 6, 2011

Fwd: [MC74 and Friends] My 2nd/3rd entry for umbrellas

Dear MC, BT, Trang, KLiem, Caro, AiMy, NLan, THuong, Thuan, Quang, Son, Triet, Tuan, Khiem,  PNEH and Friends,
Your pictures and your paintings are gorgeous. I loved seeing each and every one of them.
We visited Montreal and Quebec City this weekend and the theme o^ and du` never left my mind. Since MC la canadienne I was excited to take a few shots of the umbrellas I saw in order to contribute to the blog cua hai ba chu? EmCi and BiTi.
The first 4 pictures were taken at Old Quebec, Place Royale/Chateau Frontenac.
The next ones were at Marche aux fleurs rue Ste Catherine Montreal and the Fete/Parade des jumeaux in Montreal (their theme was Vive les maries).
But most importantly a picture of an adorable set of triplets that I'm dedicating to MC, BT and Trang.


  1. Hi Thuy Hoa,

    What a wonderful collection of colorful umbrella pictures! My two favorite are the first and last, the first because of the unexpected juxtaposition of a simple striped umbrella sheltering an old-time glamour picture of Elizabeth Taylor, an interesting contrast of light and darkness. And the triplets in the last picture are just irresistible (maybe a bit self-serving here :-)!

  2. Dear Thuy Hoa,

    Thank you for the umbrellas and summer photos, they are all beautiful.
    And thank you for the adorable triplets ! (wish we could be that adorable hi hi)


  3. ear Thuy-Hoa:

    You are usually quiet, but when you appear on the forum, you do it with flair. The photos of Quebec City and Montreal are terrific, full of charm and beauty, just like the photographer -:). At first glance of the first picture, I thought it was you in it -:).

    Thank you for your compliments and words of encouragement. There are two types of 'say": say ru*o*.u and say ti`nh. I have learned that "say ti`nh" is much more...taxing, and the hangover fun, to say the least. So if I get say, I try to stay with ru*o*.u, if I can... -:). This topic reminds me of a poem by Tu'-Xu*o*ng:

    Mo^.t tra`, mo^.t ru*o*.u, mo^.t da`n-ba`,
    Ba ca'i lang-nhang no' qua^'y ta!
    Chu*`a du*o*.c mo'n na`o hay mo'n na^'y
    Co' chang chu*`a ru*o*.u vo*'i chu*`a tra`!

    Have a great weekend,

  4. Dear DocAwake,

    Thank you for your sweet compliments va cho TH hoi nay: DocAwake cho TH ddi ta`u bay gi` vay... ?

    "Mo^.t tra`, mo^.t ru*o*.u, mo^.t da`n-ba`,
    Ba ca'i lang-nhang cu*'' qua^'y ta
    Chu*`a du*o*.c ca'i na`o hay ca'i a^'y
    Hoa, chang chu*`a ru*o*.u vo*'i chu*`a tra` "(Tran Ke^' Xu*o*ng)

    DocA oi,

    I don't think you can give up any of those sacred things because:

    "Tro*`i dda^'t sinh ra ru*o*.u vo*'i tho*
    Kho^ng tho* kho^ng ru*o*.u so^'ng nhu* thu*a`" (Ta?n Dda`)

    "Thu*o*ng ai cho ba^.n lo`ng da^y
    Cho vo*i hu~ ru*o*.u cho dda^`y tu'i tho*"

    "Nhu*~ng lu'c say cu~ng muo^'n chu*`a
    Muo^'n chu*`a nhu*ng ti'nh la.i hay u*a
    Hay u*a ne^n no^~i kho^ng chu*`a ddu*o*.c
    Chu*`a ddu*o*.c nhu*ng ma` cu~ng cha(?ng chu*`a "(Ng~ Khuye^'n)

    Say ti`nh Say ru*o*.u Say ca? tu'i tho*...
    va^.y cho TH ho?i DocA cai nay nhe:

    Mo* mo^.ng na`o nhu* mo* mo^.ng Say
    Say dda('m xua^n ti`nh Say nga^'t nga^y
    Du` tro*`i dda^`y ddoa. tha^n la~ng tu*?
    Va^~n cu*' mie^.t ma`i co*n mo^.ng Say...?

    Is that right DocA and other dear friends?

    Xin cac ban tie^'p tho* cho vui


  5. Hello Thuy Hoa

    At a glance, the lovely poem, the perennial ode to Love,
    seemingly composed on a whim, in a stroke of fancy, was so exquisite

    Mo* mo^.ng na`o nhu* mo* mo^.ng Say
    Say dda('m xua^n ti`nh Say nga^'t nga^y
    Du` tro*`i dda^`y ddoa. tha^n la~ng tu*?
    Va^~n cu*' mie^.t ma`i co*n mo^.ng Say...?

    So expressive, yet poetically lyrical, romantic, and dreamy
    a dreamscape, of sort, to the world of perpetual bliss

  6. Hi Thúy Hoà,

    What a Poétesse you are! I heard you had a recent visit from one of us Chicagoans. Was it fun?



  7. Hi Trie^'t,

    Khong da'm, khong da'm, TH khong da'm nha^.n chu "Poetesse" xin nhu*o*`ng hai chu*~ thi si~ cho Triet, Thuan, Tai, Duc, Thuy Chau, Thu Huong, Kim Huong and other friends. I would love for all of you to add your poetic talents to my tho* con co'c Mo* Mo^.ng cho dzui :-))

    Of course Trie^'t getting together with friends is always fun. Is our other Chicagoan coming back to NY, CT soon?

