Saturday, August 6, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My 2nd/3rd entry for umbrellas

Dear Caro, Trang and Thuy' Hoa\,
Thank you for your beautiful entries! What a feast for my eyes, what a nice way to end my work week! Dung' la\ mo^i~ co^ mo^t. ve? 10 pha^n ven. ca? 20. :-)
Thanks also TH for thinking about this Canadian at heart while strolling in Quebec City and taking photos of umbrellas, and for the cute triplets photo dedicated to BiTi, Trang and me.

Dear BiTi and fellows PNEH, hoa si, thi si, and art critic,
here is my last entry for umbrellas. I thought I had finished with the theme, but yesterday when 
I saw two sunbrellas taking a break near Dag Hammarskjold Plaza at lunch time, I could not resist pulling out my camera. Then I had the same impulse later on in the evening, as I walked along 42nd Street, and passed by some sunbrellas across the street from Grand Central Station, and in Bryant Park (where Fashion Week in NYC usually took place). 



  1. Hello Mai Chau

    From sea to shining seas, such lovely pictures of umbrellas, or sunbrellas, from contributing photography lovers
    taken in all walks of life, every imaginable corner of the world
    The lively, captivating snapshots of sunbrellas, a welcoming sign amid hot times in the city,
    were as interesting as the featured subjects

    Ranging from dainty white, laden with Swatch logos, near Grand Central,
    emerald, green in Bryan Park, to more restful ones in Dag Plaza,
    they all added a certain discreet, sweet charm, if not romantic feel
    to the concrete, urban jungle, better known as Manhattan


  2. Good morning my fellow New Yorker and most eligible bachelor,
    Thank you for your beautiful comments. I am happy that you feel the romantic vibes that I attempted to capture.
    Have a nice and relaxing Saturday


  3. Hi Quang,
    You can always count on me, that's what friends are for. Kho^ng ngam' thi\ phi' cua? dzzo*i\ . :-) :-) :-). May be you should get a camera and start shooting photos too, so we can see what you see :-) :-)

  4. Hello Mai Chau

    Dung' vay, nguoi ta co^' y khoe
    ma` minh khong ngam', thi qua? la phi' cua? dzoi
    Ma` co' cua? nhie^u` lai cang phai? nen khoe nhieu
    khong khoe co' phai? uo^ng? kho^ng ?
    Ma^y ai duoc nhu vay da^u !
    Nhat la troi summer nong' nuc, kho' chiu, lai cang them ly' do an mac mat me
    thoang' khi', de khoe nhieu hon :-)

    Actually I was thinking about mentioning the same thing you said,
    in my previous email, but I did not to want it to sound so obvious :-)

    MC you must be reading my mind quite well, most of the time
    as to know me a whole lot better, than I do know myself !

    Giong nhu la MC di guoc nghe loc coc trong dau Q
    ma` Q khong he^ hay biet :-)

