Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] theme for next week - ANACHRONISM

Cher(e)s  2 ba`chu ?  blog et ami(e)s PNEH ,
Ma petite contribution au theme  ANACHRONISM :
En premier , des lampes à petrole qui existent encore dans les campagnes
En deuxieme , ma toute premiere machine à coudre , bien plus efficace que les machines electroniques de nos jours J . De temps en temps il suffit de la huiler un peu à l’aide du petit entonnoir et elle cha.y phon phon .


  1. Hello Thu Huong

    TH lam gi ma dzay som qua vay ?
    Troi moi sang tinh suong, ben Paris, ma TH da nhanh nhanh thuc dzay de no^p bai` :-)

    Ben New York, bay gio moi co 1 gio khuya ma Q da thay TH tren forum, that la` la. het suc !!!!
    Bonjour Thu Huong,
    et Bonne Journee


  2. Hello Quang oi,

    Cha(‘c tuo^?i ga` ne^n sha’ng tinh shuong lo’ da^`u ra du*o*`ng roi , hay la de^? doc tho* Quang da^’y ma` J .
    Nha` co’ mot co^ chie^u Li Lan (hie^.n dang hoc be^n Montreal) va mot ca^.u a^’m (Anh) di hoc so*’m nen sha’ng tinh shuong lo’ da^`u ra ngoai di mua pain au chocolat J .

    Bonne nuit Quang et vous tous be^n kia bo*`Dai Duong , a^`u o* dzi’ dza^`u… J

  3. Hello Thu Huong

    Beyond all expectations, 2 fantastic paintings, visual delights of the finest kind,
    to illustrate the theme Anachronism

    The artfully drawn oil lamps, delicately sketched, so realistically portrayed,
    down to the most meticulous detail, a rare, unusual sighting,
    even in a rural setting, in this day and age of electrical utility

    A pop of green, a dash of gold, a splash of brown, a hint of coral
    here and there, coming all together, in a dazzling, gorgeous symphony of colors

    Less extravagant in look, more subdued in facade,
    the quintessential object of desire, of the couture world,
    the old reliable sewing machine, beautifully personified with charm and elegance,
    a steel wonder of years past, that stood the test of time

    Bringing the subject into focus, the lovely, bright, reflections of the light
    on the white chrome, a stark contrast to a more dreamy, soothing background


  4. Thu Huong oi:
    Dep qua!!! Me Ly OH Me Ly them nua!!!
    Tuyet Tac THuong oi !!!

  5. Thu Hu*o*ng o*i,
    de^\ tai\ nao\ tranh Thu Huong ve~ cu~ng tuye^t.! MC phuc. sat' da^t'
    Cam' o*n Thu Hu*o*ng.
