Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for DOORS/WINDOWS


I love your 1st and 4th windows & doors, very intriguing with nice play of light and shadows!

Hi Friends

Here are my contributions, all taken in various places in India...



  1. What an exotic collection again Caroline. My favorite is the
    2nd one , the gate leading to heaven? :-)


  2. Hello Caro

    Quite beautiful, such an array of splendid pictures,
    that featured the ten wonders of the door/window kind,
    each so fascinating, with its own elaborate, intricate design

    A view to a thrill, the photographic version of "Heaven's Gate"
    striked as the most appealing one of them all, grandiose in appearance, yet evoking an intriguing sense of mystery

    Of particular interest, a sweeping view of mountains overlooking the court yard and valleys, from a window above, was so picturesque, if not dreamy, an interesting visual tale of a spectacle, seemingly played out from a movie saga

    So was the charming imagery of the eerie light filtering through a
    small window, lighting up a dark corner with warm and intimacy

