Saturday, April 28, 2012

[MC74 and Friends] Doors and windows

Cher(e)s ami(e)s pho nhom ,
Voici  une rue de Paris


  1. M-A-G-N-I-F-I-Q-U-E comme toujours Thu Huong,
    ca donne envie d'y aller !!! J'adore les portes cocheres,
    fermees ou entr'ouvertes pour une vue sur la petite
    cour interieure ... mysterieuse ... qui vit la`? on se
    laisse emporter par ... l'imagination :-)

    Bon WE

  2. Hello Thu Huong

    As usual, when it comes to TH's amazing artworks,
    one will be so hard pressed to find the right words,
    let alone the corrective adjectives to fully describe them

    In this particular case, "exquisite" and "sublime" surely came to mind,
    a magnificent rendition of Venice, misty, dreamlike in vibrant shade of Orange,
    paired perfectly with subtle splash of coral and tangerine

    Dramatic, stunning colors that adorned the famed city with an alluring glow,
    a bright, distinctive feel of realism embedded in a fantasy world

