Thursday, May 26, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] Buidlings, monuments to be continued until this Friday, and theme for the week after

Dear hai bà chủ Blog BiTi, EmCi, fellows PNEH, họa sĩ, thi sĩ và các phê bình gia,
It has been such a pleasure and joy for me to admire the marvelous collages and wonderful chefs-d'oeuvre from amazing friends. Hats off to everyone for their superb talent, originality, and creativity.
Here are my contibutions for the theme buildings and monuments:
1) La cathedrale Notre-Dame de Reims, gothique,13e siecle, France
2) Le chateau de Chambord, 16e siecle, val de Loire, France
3) La fontaine de Trevi, baroque, 18e siecle, Rome, Italie
4) Le celebre balcon de la maison de Juliette, Verone, Italie

Have a great weekend everyone


  1. Dear blog Bosses and fellow bloggers:

    The return of the lovely Ba` Tu`mLum1 TH heralds a new era, the " Golden Age" of the blog -:)). Thank you TH for treating us to your special brand of photography and poetry, an exquisite mixture of formality, grandeur, and sweet romance.


  2. Thuy' Hoa\ o*i,

    Cam\ o*n Thuy' Hoa\ gu*i? hinh\ tham du*. blog. Hinh\ chup dep. va^y. ma\ la^u nay da^'u nghe^\ ha'. Ke^? tu*\ ba^y gio*\ thi\ Thu'y Hoa\ se~ du*o*c nghe nhac' de^n' te^n minh\ mo^i~ tua^n\ tre^n blog, va\ ne^u' ca^\n nu*a~ thi\ MC se~ goi. cell cua" TH, kie^'m kho^ng duoc thi\ goi. luo^n so^' Pharmacy, trong tru*o*ng\ ho*p. Thuy' Hoa\ que^n kho^ng no^p. hinh\ :-)
    Blog nay\ vao\ de^~, nhu*ng ra^t' kho' tim\ lo^i' ra :-)

  3. Hello Thuy Hoa

    Welcome Back

    What a pleasant surprise, and such a great pleasure, just to see you back,
    out of the blue, to grace our beloved Blog, with your lovely, charming presence, whose warmth, care, and kindness touches us all, in every which way, whereever you are

    Needless to say, your timely, valuable contributions to this week's theme "buildings and monuments" couldn't be more appreciated, and welcomed
    by all, as a great addition to the quality, richness, and versatility of pictures taken thus far

    The 4 entries as diverse as they were pretty, were quite eye pleasing
    the historic, venerable, marvelously structured cathedral de Reims,
    the fairy like, picturesque Chateau Chambord, castle in the sky of sort,
    the equally attractive Trevi Fountain, in all its soothing freshness,
    last, but not least, the so inspiring Verone balcony that conjured up,
    in anyone's mind, the romantic imagery of Romeo and Juliette saga

