Sunday, June 17, 2012

Chairs, chairs, chairs...

Hi all,

"Chairs" was never really a subject for me, and so most of the chairs happened to photograph basically are the ones from those "pre-wedding / post-wedding shots", so hopefully you guys don't feel my entries for this week "too boring".  Except for the last one, it's not from a wedding... (^_^)

Anyhow, here they are.




  1. Hello Tri

    Whether related to pre or post wedding, the Chair pictures were quite captivating, enchanting, capturing the festive mood, if not, the side story, an added attraction to the main event

    Pretty in white, they were all gathered here, neatly aligned in the early sunrise, to greet the incoming guests

    At sundown, the whole scenery had taken on an eerily, alluring magical touch, thanks to the glowing light reflection on the premise,
    the perfect finishing touches to a memorable day

    On a more brighter side, the beautifully decorated wedding dining room sparkling with charming elegance, an air of sophistication in a light, airy setting
    Perhaps, not ideally suited for "dam' cuo*i o*? chua`", the red dressed
    seats, or those with crimson reflection, were quite serenely appealing in all their austere elements


  2. Hello Tri and All

    I like the last shot, very traditional and good angle point of view.


  3. Very nice compositions, and not boring at all!

  4. Hi Tri',
    I love your entries. They are far from being boring; your artistic eye and professional skills got the best out of the wedding chairs and made them look beautiful. My most favorites are the stack of chairs with a glimpse of the Buddha bust and the Asian chairs.

  5. Hi Tri

    That's a good spirit Tri, to send in your contribution although we come up with such random subjects as "hands, chairs etc."...
    I think that your photographic skills are outstanding as you can render a mundane object artistic, I especially love the first photo, very nicely shot, great angle.


  6. Thanks everyone! Glad to hear that you guys actually like it ... ;-)
