Friday, June 22, 2012

Fwd: [MC74 and Friends] Repetitive Patterns

Fellow PNs and Friends:

Tri, MC, Quang, Caro: I really appreciate your truly heart-felt and wonderful input and comments about my pattern entries.

It has always been nice for me to learn from your feedback the last few weeks and also having a lot of fun at the same time. :)

I also hope my next shot will be better than the last... By the time I hit my 10,000th shot, I think I would be more comfortable getting what I really see through my lens and to accurately show the viewers.

Caro - Your pattern entry of the tinted-glass window is so vibrant and harmoniously colored. Your oysters displayed in such an appetizing pattern. Cannot wait to see more.

If you guys and gals don't mind, I will continue peeking in the blog from time to time to share photos and comments. Again thank you for letting me join the PNEH club, now as an inactive member :).

Happy (Camera) Shooting Everybody!


PS - I have two cheerful entries from the Land of Smiles taken at Loi Krathong some years back to share.

1 comment:

  1. ....Thanks also for your additional cheerful entries for patterns brought to us from the Land of Smile. They are so cool!
