Monday, April 25, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] theme for next week project - TASTING PLEASURES

Dear fellows Pho' Nhoms\ en herbe, hoa. si~, thi si~ and our official art critic Mr. Kiu,

Here's my entry for this week's theme.  Although the "guess what?" theme has expired, but to "spice" things up a bit, anyone outside of the SJ area with the first correct identification of the yummy treat that BiTi and my better half were chomping to bits yesterday will be treated to a down home Texas BBQ on your next visit here, or to a "cha^`u pho"  at your local favorite Pho' s place (or anywhere for that matter) if we see each other, whichever comes first J

Have a good week,



  1. Great pix Khiem!
    LH and BT look both as if they came out from a fashion magazine!

  2. I hope that nobody has beaten me at this , as of now ( there are too many posts that I hardly can keep up with the forum, not counting some posts do show up late on the " web only" option :)

    My guess is " La' Du'a waffles " . Do i get the prize (clap, clap :), KTC?

    Ai My

  3. Clap, clap. Congrats Ai My. You got it. Hope to see you and Tien soon over Pho or BBQ. I knew it would be easy even though I had blurred the waffle to make it tougher to guess J. Attached is the original picture with the waffle clearly in focus.

    Thank you Caro for the compliment, the ladies sure make it easy for me.


  4. Yeah !! This is as exciting as when my options run away in the right direction :))

    Thanks, KTC, for the rush of adrenaline on a boring mkt day ( the European mkts are closed ) See you at Pho Kimmy ( apparently the best one in Bolsa though a bit on the fatty side, imho :) in July or sooner !!

    Now, if you can give me a hint to win BT's challenge( maybe a clearer pic of her bag ....:))

    Ai My

  5. And whoever can guess what's in the 'trademark' purple shopping bag will get some from me :-)

    Thanks my dear Ktc and better half or is it 3/4? for the nice lunch of ca' nuong, banh' tom, bo cuon la lot etc, etc.
    which I only get to have when you are in town which is about once a month? hi hi

    > > XOXO,
    > > BT

  6. dear twin, is it keo. hat. ddieu^\ ?

    dear Ktc, I have lots of patience, I am waaaiiiiting :-)


  7. Hi BT and MC,

    My guess would be O^Mai, just to cover all corners :) This way, maybe one of us will win , right ?


    Now besides chauffeur, photographe, comedien, any other hidden talent? dung la muoi phan ven muoi :))

    Ai My

  8. Dear KTC:
    Lovely photo of BT & Luong-Hien with the Yummy “Bánh Lá dứa”; the savory
    wonderful “coconut-buttery” aroma coming out of the bakery every single time that we pass by Van Bakery…
    so delicious…. Both ladies ‘re looking good!
    Cheers from Liem

  9. Hi Ca^y tc (and his lady LH and my twin BiTi),
    I love the entry. Nice shot, hai co^ be' (to borrow KL words) tro^ng ngon lanh\ con\ ho*n la\ gaufrettes la' du*'a :-).
    Bravo to the talented photographer and models.
    Enjoy your Wednesday

  10. Love much your Tasting pleasures entries ... from Khiem ,Liêm , MC ,BL , Tuan,Caro , BT ...and other friends .
    ...Good shots , very professional !
    BT , Caro , Liêm , Khiêm , Tuân with your culinary skills and your taste for good things, how do you keep your slimness, thin waist and slender? It's a torture for them that should keep a diet !
    Have a good week , les amis .

