Saturday, February 12, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: Next week photo subject

Coronado Beach: view from Hotel Del Coronado.

Thank you EmCi for your nice comments for my previous entry.
I love the blue and green contrast and purplish reflection on the water.
Water, river or ocean, always has a soothing effect on me.


Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: week photo subject -- Ocean, lake, river, bathtub water :-)

Dear TNS,
What a beautiful and romantic picture!
I love its gorgeous colors, its composition, everything little details in the photo, the sunset, the palm trees, the little kites in the shape of the crescent moon here and there as if hanging on the wire line, the shadowy boat.

Dear fellows pho' nhom en herbe and forum friends,
here is my entry for this week theme. I took this picture on a trip to an ancient water town in China, called Zhou Zhuang, about 60 km from Shanghai. Zhou Zhuang has lots of little bridges  and thus is often called Venice of China (too bad it was also as touristy as Venice). I saw these little boats anchored near the entrance of the town, and loved the colors of the boats, their roofs, the water so much that I had to stop and take a picture.


Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: week photo subject -- Ocean, lake, river, bathtub water :-)

Sunset in Huntington Beach.

Re: [MC74 and Friends] Saint Valentin à Paris - Les cadenas d' amour

Voici BT
Ahem, qui veux tu cadenasser avec le temps?
Pour les anciens cadenassés;c 'est plutôt .. rompre les amarres ( j/k)


Fw: Entry for Valentine from Thuy' Hoa

Dear Friends,

Valentine's gửi tặng đóa hồng
Tượng trưng tình bạn mặn nồng khắp nơi
Nhớ bao kỷ niệm vui tươi
Xin cùng vun xới đề nuôi đóa hồng

Happy Valentine's Day!
Thúy Hòa

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Photos My entry for Valentine

Just for you Em Ci Baby :-)   here is a photo a the Cadenas of Love that
I took in the summer of 2009 on the Via dell'Amore which is a path along
 the cliff between 2 towns of  Cinque Terre on the Italian Riviera.

Happy Valentine !

Food fight? Enjoy some healthy debate
in the Yahoo! Answers Food & Drink Q&A.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Photos My entry for Valentine

Chers BT et amis,
Jeudi je suis allée à un séminaire med dans le centre de Paris ( traitement de l  'Hypertension arterielle et urgences , que du sérieux mais quand même un rapport certain avec la St  Valentin n' est ce pas , car qui dit  battements de coeur... et même attaque !  ( tiêng viet goi là  bi sét danh' .. ) 
Pour illustrer notre blog , j' ai zappé le déjeuner  à la pause pour aller prendre qq  photos  .Il y avait ce jour là un soleil d ' hiver et un ciel bleu splendide, 18 ° C. Que du bonheur !
Je me suis souvenue des cadenas que les amoureux mettent sur les rambardes du Pont de Arts, et chemin faisant je suis passé devant le BHV ( Bazar de Hotel de Ville ) et ai pris ces photos
Le BHV offrait une promotion : mise en scène et photos gratuites à tous les amoureux directement dans une des vitrines par une photographe professionnelle
Click , j' étais le badaud dehors qui regardait la scène dans la vitrine et je leur ai fait coucou...
Ma petite contribution au blog photo de BT
Cheers à tous
Hy Hoà
PS/ Merci à tous pour vos gentils mots, BiTi, Mr Kodak Quang, MiCi, Khiem photographe des stars, CTT, Diep, Thu Huong , Triet, Thuan... j' espère n' avoir oublié personne , je n' ai lu les posts qu' aujourd 'hui

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My Fair Lady

Dear friends,

Now that you've identified an old dame, can you help me name this younger, contemporary fair lady, whose picture is attached?
"Her ebony bob coif lets out no straying hair,
In tight designer jeans she dresses with great flair
So young and smooth is her pretty porcelain skin,
 Her radiant full moon face makes KTC's heart spin
If you have vision troubles, it's her who you call,
She commands, "Open your eyes, so I can treat y'all"
A Mona Lisa's smile lights up her tender face,
So enigmatic!… Who's this beauty full of grace?"

Friday, February 11, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Z MC celebrities of 2005

Dear CTT, Triet and Quang,
Thank you for liking the GB poster and Key CiTy :-)
Triet, no I didn't use photoshop for that , I just went on one
of those photo fun site, select the background (GB) and upload
the model (Ktc :-)) et voila`
Speaking of photoshop, here's one I did way back (March 2005, can't
believe it's been that long !) of Z MC celebrities of those days :-)
Who can name them all?
I'll post it to the blog as well so our friends who don't get direct
mail can see what's all about as well.

Week in review - by Ci Ti Ti

My dear friends ,

For Valentine's Day, Lauren has spoiled us ,
first with Louboutin shoes ,and now with a dress
made of effigies of an equally famous artist,
Key CiTy ! ( NYorker accent, please !)
What great turn of the hand ! Lauren , malicious
as an elf, skilled as a good fairy, devishly effective,
all these compliments, parce qu'elle le vaut bien !
N.B: Louboutin shoes, di dau chân bo? m. !
Especially with Anh Tuan, walking fast ahead,
launching to us " Di nhanh lên ! ", one is obliged
to have emergency ballerinas in a handbag to walk
in his footsteps. Agree with me, dear Denise Thu Thuy?
Trang, j'ai toujours eu peur des chats, mais le tien,
si majestueux sur le magnifique carpet m'a fait oublier
cette phobie pour un instant. Splen-di-de !
Tu vois des coeurs partout,et nous le prouves avec
EMCI, I loved all your photos. You have such a way
to compose the elements to make the best you can.
Your children, a jewelry, the 42nd street,another gem,
Icicles on green leaves, the scenes of love and their
stories behind, everything is so fascinating that we find
it so difficult to return to Earth. And I certainly forgot
many other magic tableaux.
TNS, a teddy bear in himself. so tender, so delicate,
I'm touched. To tears.
Cây XiTy, an artist, a hidden wizard like BT, beware,
he can turn any mundane thing into creation.
Anh Tuan, in search of perfection,the absolute,
he will surprise you,day after day, more and more...
Doug, the scenes have motion in his *catch*. All the
technicality of a formidable connoisseur.
Thu Huong ,son pinceau est à l'égal de vos caméras,
Sans la bienveillance de Quang dont l' oeil et l'humour
font la part belle de vos oeuvres, on serait rien ,sans lui.
Caro est dans les délais pour sa participation.
My story behind the " Regard dans le Même Sens" ?
Mr.Bond 'n his Bond girl were on Skype with the celebrities
of Dallas, d'où ces radieux sourires, après la panse pleine
au gastronomique et encore grisés par les (nombreux) crûs.

    I didn't forget Hy Hoa.
    J'adore, J'aime,
    J'aurais fait la même chose si je m'étais trouvée
    nez à nez devant cette scène, mais avec ma
    modeste caméra et sans son talent.

Bon St Valentin à tous, surtout à Caro et Guido.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Gisele Bundchen dresses for Valentine

Ladies and Gents,

Ladies: Wouldn't you love to have that dress for your V-day's date? (and the bod
to go with :-))

Gents: Wouldn't you love to be on Gisele's bod ... I mean dress?  Well, I guess
you'd have to be very very lucky :-p

Happy V-Day ! and weekend to start off,


Ps> No, it's not Elton John in his younger days :-P


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

[MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-)

Dear talented pho nhom, painter, caricature artist, and friends,

Such an imaginative, creative, and artistic group you are.  I truly enjoyed viewing your works and reading all the witty stories.  Here’s my attempt to be a small part of this fun endeavor.

I had the immense pleasure and good fortune of sitting next to a dear friend from 3eme during Tet Tan Mao party in O.C. this past weekend.  During those yesteryears, we were called and teased by our friends, as brother and sister.  If you can imagine very hard, me about 40 years younger and with a lot more hair, there may be some similar facial traits between us.  I admit, it’s a stretch.

Unfortunately, life is so NOT fair.  Fast forward to today.  While any residual resemblance to her and hair of mine are long gone, she seems to be untouched by time.  She not only hasn’t changed, but manages to even look lovelier, more attractive, ma.(n ma` duye^n da’ng and no doubt a sweet Valentine to many of her friends now as she was then.
Naturally we had a wonderful time conversing and reminiscing the good ol’ time all the while I can’t stop staring at her.  Suddendly,  a Kodak moment !  With her consent, here she is as my entry to this week’s Valentine picture collection.

Hi Sis, I hope you enjoyed the evening as much as I did. 

Happy Valentine to all !

Cay Ti Xi

P.S.  If you don’t recognize my friend, a popular forum member, Mr. Kodak, aka Kiu aka Q, may be able to help J


Fw: [MCp74] RE: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-) [1 Attachment]

Dear Honorable Judges and Dear Friends,

Please accept my modest entry for Valentine week: “La Reine de Coeur”.

Sa Majeste dirige son doux regard sur les coeurs langoureux. 

(J’implore la clemence de Thanh Tu)

Tuan J 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-)

Here is the story behind this week's photo composition.  We were walking last week when we ran into Zoey and his mom in Half Moon Bay.  Zoey is so cute, I couldn't resist to ask if I could take some pictures.  Zoey's mom then told us the unusual love story of Zoey's parents :-)

Zoey's parents are a terrier and golden retriever. Hmm, no matter how you look at it or think about it, it still baffles us ...
how that's possible? 

Russ' Mom (who is 82) considered the question for a second and announced: "he must have surprised her" :-)  She's
probably right, it must have been a ... candid ... Kodak moment ! hee hee

In any case, Zoey makes a lovely model don't you think?



Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-)

Dans le même esprit, ma contribution :
" Le Regard Dans La Même Direction "
(je quémande l'indulgence de Anh Tuan et Thu Thuy)
PS : Vos photos à tous sont in-croy-ables !!!
Mes commentaires suivront. Làm bêp 3 ngày Têt,
bân qua'.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-)

"Aimer, ce n'est pas se regarder l'un l'autre, c'est regarder ensemble dans la même direction."
  Antoine de Saint-Exupery  - Extrait de Terre des hommes

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Valentine week and the story behind it :-)

My dear twin BiTi and other fellows "Pho' nhom\ en herbe" and Forum friends,

I am so relieved that I finally got a photo for Valentine.
While it appears so easy to come up with anything related with the theme of Valentine, it was not that easy for me, so I found out as I went hunting for the perfect photo op.

How I sympathized with the paparazzi while I spent my precious one hour lunch over the course of the last two weeks roaming around in Grand Central train station and the streets near by, with the hope to catch a fleeting moment of tenderness with my camera!

The first day I walked around in Grand Central, browsing at the shops and quickly took a picture of a mannequin with a heart as a face (photo no. 1). I self congratulated: so easy, job done! ... Until I showed it to my son, expecting his seal of approval, which never came. Instead, he told me that I should try a bit harder.
To soften the blow, he said "Mom, my teacher would probably like your photo, but personally, I think it lacked the feeling that you would like it to project. You need people in your picture".
-"Easier said than done!  And how would I do that? Where would I find people who are in love and would allow me to take a picture of them?" I asked him.

-"Well, Mom, just walk around, you will find people. As long as you act normal and don't look creepy, people are ok with it. Walk from Port Authority to your office in the morning. Or go to Central Park during the day..."
-"Tro*i\ da^'t! Chu*o*ng tu*o*ng? me. ra?nh lam ' ha?  Thi\ gio\ da^u ma\ me. di bo^. ta\ ta\ buoi^? sa'ng tre^n du*o*\ng to*i' so*? , vo*i' lai. vong\  vong\ ngoai\  Central Park de^? chup. hinh\?".....
So, for the next many days, I kept going to Grand Central, the only place within walking distance from my office, where I hope to find lots of couples, tourists, and people kissing goodbye to each other.
I was very nervous about taking pictures of people, afraid that they would give me dirty looks or worse yell at me for stalking them. So I could not act normal.
I also had a feeling that the cops in Grand Central noticed me, strange woman in a black coat, carrying a big bag, walking around every day at the same time, looking so suspicious.
This made me feel even more nervous. Which made me act even more creepy!
I was so nervous that my index finger froze when I needed to press the button of my camera quickly. I kept fumbling, and missing the shots.
Also the lighting in Grand Central was bad, and my camera also acted up.
All the shots came out very blurred.

Desperate, last week, I took all my courage and approached this young loving couple who tried taking a picture together by putting their camera on the counter of a ticket booth, and offered my help. Afterward I asked their permission to take their picture with my camera. I explained to them that it was for my special Valentine project. They happily agreed.

I was so excited that I did not set the camera properly, so the only picture I took of them did not come out nicely!
I was ready to give up and just submit my first picture.

Then I decided to give it one last shot. There was a picture of a big heart at the corner of the street near Grand Central. It would be nice if I could get a picture of a couple walking by. So I camped  there at my lunch time for three days straight, right next to a stand belonging to this man who sold books. He  probably thought that I tried to make a move on him, but was too shy to do it. He kept giving me these worried glances!

I spotted a few couples, but they quickly avoided my camera as soon as they saw me (sigh).
I was about to give up for real. Last Friday, I thought to myself that this would be my last day trying.  It was my lucky day! I finally got the photo op.
 It was not a great shot, but here it is, photo no. 2 , the fruit of my patience.
The title of my entry is : Sweet, tangy, hot: the flavors of LOVE.

 Now I can totally relax and enjoy looking at the other "pho' nhom"s' entries :-)

Em Ci

PS:May be one day I could become a paparazzi, for now I am perfectly happy shooting du*a hau^' and all other non animated subjects :-) 

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Review by Bi Ti

Dear All,

I am blown away by the gorgeous photos and THuong's aquarelle.  The blog is beautiful :-)
Thank you all for sharing.

TNS:  Your meditation corner is heavenly, beautiful, beautiful colors

Duc:  I love the angle of your shot opening up to the bright background with the ao' dai, very original.

CTT:  You dare what I did not :-)  Bravo!

Em Ci:  I like the 2nd shot of your icicle, and I can definitely see the heart shape and the colors are vibrant.

Trang:  I also love the framing of your shot with the heart shape branch, very cool.

And last but not least, chere Thu Huong, my twin said everything I wanted to say

So once again, dear friends thank you and keep'm coming :-)  Next week's theme is
Valentine, but anything that get your heart beating a bit faster (or slower ) is game :-)


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Review by EM Ci

Hi TNS and Du*'c,
I would like to quote Nhu* Hoa and say "mo^i ngu*o*i\ mo^t. ve? mu*o*i\ pha^n, ven ca? mu*o*i\ mo^t.
I am a "color" person so am always attracted to colors first when I look at a picture.
I love the colors in your photos, the serene green and pink in TNS's photo and the happy primary colors - red, blue and yellow in Duc's.

TNS's photo did give me a feeling of peace from the images of Phat sitting under the tree's branches, the reflective water in the pond, and the miniature waterfall.
Wheras Duc's photo captured perfectly the quirky dance moves, including that of the cute little kid with such a funny expression on his face.

 Thanks for sharing.

Thu Huong oi*,

Cam' on* Thu Hu*o*ng gu*i? hinh\ ve canh? ra^'t dep va\ tho* mo^ng.
Mong la Thu Hu*o*ng se tie^'p tuc gu*i? the^m nhieu hinh\ ve, cung nhu* cac' ban khac' tiep tuc gui the^m hi\nh chup, de cho blog cua tui minh cang ngay cang the^m phong phu'.

Mai Cha^u chac chan la\  sinh ddoi^ cua MC - ba\ chu? Blog Bao? Tra^m cung ddo^ng\ y' la\ blog cua? Forum tuy kho*i? su* la\ cho pho' nhom\ nhu*ng ba^y gio*\  co' the^m Thu Huong dong go'p hinh ve thi cang vui va nhieu sac thai' ho*n. Blog coi nhu* la\ cho art visuel, nhu* va^y. cang\ hay ho*n.

Theo MC bie^'t la\ Hy Hoa\, va\ chac' chan' la\ co' nhu*ng ban khac' cung la hoa si, ne^n cung mong la\ se duoc thay^' the^m tranh cua? Hy Hoa\ va\ cac' ban khac' tre^n blog.

Cam' o*n Thu Huong khen chau' Mai Han^. MC muo^n' nhan^. la\ cap lo^ng may\ cua no' gio^'ng MC, nhu*ng kho^ng co' bang\ chu*'ng, ne^n... im lang la vang\ (dde^? ai muo^'n tu*o*ng? sao thi\ tu*o*ng?) :-)


Mai Cha^u

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for our Forum's photos of the week project

My photo submission for the week:
"Ong Di.a di chu`a!"

Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for our Forum's photos of the week project

This little corner in the garden is where I always like to go sit by when I seek peace of mind.


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] MC74 and Friends : Cowgirl do'n Xuan Tan Mao in snowy Dallas!

Luong Hien ,
Tu' bat chuoc Khiem t.c. an trôm. hình cua Hien
xin phep post lên blog bà chu Lauren.
Hình chup vuon nhà mà thây' giông station de ski
bên Thuy Si qua'. Le Stetson te donne un look de
" Moschino girl " ,very alluring.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for our Forum's photos of the week project - une aquarelle magnifique !!

Cher(e)s BiTi , CTTu' , HH , Mai Chau , Ai My , Khiemtc, Trang  et amis ,

Comme l' a dit BiTi , da^`u na(m duoc cac ba.n li`xi`  , xuo^'t na(m nay phat da.t J . Merci, merci les ami(e)s  pour tous vos compliments si sympatiques , je suis tres touchée !
L'idée du blog Pho Nhom en Herbe est super et c'est un regal de voir vos photos riches et variées mais refletant toujours un regard personnel . Il y a un melange de photos spontanées ,prises sur le vif  et des photos plus « reflechies » , chacune est une couleur , une lumiere , une emotion . Des regards fixés pour notre plus grand bonheur . Vos  images m'apportent enormement d'inspiration, moi qui , par commodité , dessine d' apres photos . Je repere déjà differents themes et difficultés . En aquarelle les ale'as de l' eau ne permettent de voir le resultat  qu'une fois la peinture  séchée . Pas de gommage ni de seconde couche comme pour l'huile , pour garder la transparence . Si c'est raté , y  a plus  qu' a recommencer .
La goutte d'eau de BiTi,  l'Ice  in the garden et la pasteque de Mai Chau , Les liseuses de HH , l' etang de koi de Caro Nhu Hoa sont un regal pour l'etude de la transparence !  Je me regale aussi pour les portraits , personnages ou animaux, de CTTu' , Trang , Khiemtc , Triet .  Je commence toujours par peindre les yeux , et ensuite les traits caracteristiques . Pareil, si je rate les yeux , y a qu'a recommencer . Chere Mai Chau , ta fille Mai Han a un visage exquis . J'aime bien ses sourcils (  gio^'ng ai va^.y  ? J) et son sourire tu ?m ti ?m . Je m' aventure tres peu dans les portraits car pas du tout  facile . Le  blanc  ( paysage de neige de Trang et la tasse de cafe de TNS) est aussi  interressant a traiter car le blanc est une couleur et ce n'est pas tout a fait blanc blanc J .
Merci encore et au plaisir de voir vos photos .  Voici un site de Google qui permet de visiter plusieurs musees en un seul clic , bien au chaud chez soi :

Re: Fw: Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for our Forum's photos of the week project


Despite the ice and rain, I also found a heart shape today in my garden which was covered almost knee deep with icy snow, though not all grey as BiTi thought :-). Here is the picture.



Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for our Forum's photos of the week project

Wow, all the pictures of the week are fantastic! I get great pleasure looking at them, from Sonny's Life is Good picture with my two favorite things to enjoy anytime of the day, chocolate ice cream and cappucino, to BiTi's gorgeous pink kalanchoe flowers accented by deep green leaves and snowy white porcelain container. Hy Hoa's Les Liseuses is a masterpiece in itself, so clever and artistic! Thank you all for your contributions.

Here's a picture I took of a street lamp in DC, framed by bare winter trees. I thought the angle interesting, almost heart-shaped. Enjoy!
