My dear friends ,
For Valentine's Day, Lauren has spoiled us ,
first with Louboutin shoes ,and now with a dress
made of effigies of an equally famous artist,
Key CiTy ! ( NYorker accent, please !)
What great turn of the hand ! Lauren , malicious
as an elf, skilled as a good fairy, devishly effective,
all these compliments, parce qu'elle le vaut bien !
N.B: Louboutin shoes, di dau chân bo? m. !
Especially with Anh Tuan, walking fast ahead,
launching to us " Di nhanh lên ! ", one is obliged
to have emergency ballerinas in a handbag to walk
in his footsteps. Agree with me, dear Denise Thu Thuy?
Trang, j'ai toujours eu peur des chats, mais le tien,
si majestueux sur le magnifique carpet m'a fait oublier
cette phobie pour un instant. Splen-di-de !
Tu vois des coeurs partout,et nous le prouves avec
EMCI, I loved all your photos. You have such a way
to compose the elements to make the best you can.
Your children, a jewelry, the 42nd street,another gem,
Icicles on green leaves, the scenes of love and their
stories behind, everything is so fascinating that we find
it so difficult to return to Earth. And I certainly forgot
many other magic tableaux.
TNS, a teddy bear in himself. so tender, so delicate,
I'm touched. To tears.
Cây XiTy, an artist, a hidden wizard like BT, beware,
he can turn any mundane thing into creation.
Anh Tuan, in search of perfection,the absolute,
he will surprise you,day after day, more and more...
Doug, the scenes have motion in his *catch*. All the
technicality of a formidable connoisseur.
Thu Huong ,son pinceau est à l'égal de vos caméras,
Sans la bienveillance de Quang dont l' oeil et l'humour
font la part belle de vos oeuvres, on serait rien ,sans lui.
Caro est dans les délais pour sa participation.
My story behind the " Regard dans le Même Sens" ?
Mr.Bond 'n his Bond girl were on Skype with the celebrities
of Dallas, d'où ces radieux sourires, après la panse pleine
au gastronomique et encore grisés par les (nombreux) crûs.
I didn't forget Hy Hoa.
J'adore, J'aime,
J'aurais fait la même chose si je m'étais trouvée
nez à nez devant cette scène, mais avec ma
modeste caméra et sans son talent.
Bon St Valentin à tous, surtout à Caro et Guido.