Dear BiTwin, fellow PNEHs, painters, poets, G Quang and Forum friends,
here are my entries for THING THAT MAKES YOUR HEART SING:
1- I love banh' chu*ng ( pan fried eaten with ruo^c' bo^ng i.e. thit. cha\ bo^ng). What would be Te^t' without banh' chu*ng? For me, banh' chu*ng is like Proust's madeleines :-)
So here it is, my unwrapped banh' chu*ng Te^t', photo taken yesterday.
2- I went out to the garden yesterday after Nemo brought 16 inches of snow on Friday ( I actually had fun trying to take pictures of snow while it was falling, and the day after :-)).
I loved what I saw, a little droplet of ice hanging from a dry leaf, snow forming a heart shape on the branches in the background.
3- What would I do without my camera? :-). I love my little camera. Here it is in its berry pink bag which I also love.
4- They always make me feel a little warmer inside whenever I see them during the early morning commute. Here they are between buildings captured a few weeks ago
Best wishes to all for health, happiness, luck, love, friendship, success in this new year of the Snake.
From Be^n Bo*\ So^ng