Saturday, November 10, 2012

[MC74 and Friends] My entries for AUTUMN

Dear BiTwin, fellow PNEHs, painters, poets, Mai Quang and Forum friends,

Here are my entries for Fall.
The first two were taken the weekend before the hurricane
The other two were taken last Sunday in my garden of what was left of the foliage after Sandy's visit, when the sun came out. There is not much fall foliage left in my garden now that the snow storm hit us on Tuesday
Have an enjoyable Saturday
from be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Friday, November 9, 2012


Hello 2 ba` chu?  et ami(e)s PNEH ,
Voici quelques ambiances d’automne . Bon weekend .

My second entries for Fall

Dear Em Ci Twin and friends,

Here is more fall foliage from the neighborhood :-)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for Fall

Dear Em Ci Twin and PNEH friends,

Here's my entry for Fall... 

BT ... just playing with Cinemagram
