Dear PNEHs friends,
Looks like I'll have the honor to close the theme with my entries
for looking down.
But first thank you:
- Caro for taking us along on your tour of the exotic Southern hemisphere
- Hien Lan - I love those shoes and I even remember what she ordered and what the waiter brought out LOL
- Em Ci for the varied angles of looking down shots and my favorite is also the red pepper basket.
- Hiep - for joining us with the scrumptious looking cake
- Tuan - I love the spades
- TNS - for mo*? hang` dau nam and my fovorite pic is Mandy and Tim
- Thu Huong - for the magnifique aquarelles comme d'hab
- and last but not least, G Quang for your nice words of encouragement to us all.
My entries are a ham ba lang mix of photos taken recently:
- looking down at the only flowers blooming at this time of the year
- another reflection from the frequent rain
and from June:
- to see if Lan remembers whose shoes those were?
- and show you Gruissans and the etang and the Mediterranee :-)
- and the Golden Gate Bridge and SF skyline
Have a beautiful weekend everyone,