Saturday, September 10, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Contrast

Hi friends

I love Tuan's photo with the poupees Russes, they fit very well with the theme as they are such colorful, cheerful, cartoonish & gigantic figures compared to real people

I'm just back in LA for a week-end after a trip to Hong Kong, and to Miami. My plane from Miami was delayed for over 4 hours due to technical problem first, then due to the weather, then the plane had to go back to the terminal and they announced that they had to wait for another flight coming from Dallas to switch plane for the LA flight. As soon as we deplaned, I ran to the lounge to reticket and luckily managed to get the last seat on another flight back to LA, but it was still a 6 hours delay, and I didn't get home till midnight... Flying again to Europe on Monday!!! Seems like I'm living on airplanes...

Anyhow, in all this madness, I managed to find a moment of sanity and pure enjoyment by visiting the LACMA (LA Museum of Modern Art) couple of days before I left for Hong Kong. At the time, I wasn't aware yet of the contrast theme, but I think that these 3 entries could fit the bill (Aside from the current Tim Burton exhibition where no photography is allowed, one can freely take non-flash photos of the other exhibits...)

- The First Entry is a study of shape and color contrast, rounded comforting globes in snowmen white against a sharp angular artwork in vivid red

The Second Entry is a Black & White, Positive & Negative study of Contrast

The Third Entry is from a master of contrast, Picasso - Portrait of Man & Woman
Study of contrast between Agression/Peace, Sharpness/Softness, Violence/Surrender, Armor/Nudity and Fantasy/Reality...


[MC74 and Friends] Hmmm... Letters Theme Still ?

Dear 2 ba chu blog, fellow PNEH, and friends,

This picture reminds me of an oldie but goodie from ’69, the number 1 song of that year.  I remember it well since I was religiously listening to the “end of year countdown” on the radio.  So here’s my “Candy Girl” a few years later, “I just can’t believe the loveliness” of her even standing next to the thrash bins.  A stark contrast you may say… J


[MC74 and Friends] Contrast

Dear friends
For contrast, I am sending the 2 pictures in Vegas with old and new characters; contrasting architecture designs and colors that would not be accepted in your Home Association CC&R.
The 3rd one is the man walking among gigantic poupees russes at the Russian exposition at the Grand Palais in Paris June 2010.


[MC74 and Friends] CONTRASTS

                                                                  2/ LUXURIOUS  AND  POVERTY
                  HAVE  A  GOOD  WEEK-END      BIZ   HL 


RE: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for contrasts

MaiChau & TNS oi:
Your entries are so interesting, the different details between the subjects were so well describe by Mr. Kiu & Caro,
I enjoy all the remarks & your enthusiastic  free spirit character as always!
Dear BT, MC, Mr.  Kiu, Trang, Thuy-Hoa, Phuong, BeLan, Caro, Doug, Thuan, Triet,  Hien-Khiem,  Tuan, Be Diep,
 TNS, CTT,  Hien-Lan, Kim-Huong, Nhu-Hien, T-Huong,  Loc, HyHoa, Minh-Thuy,  all PNEH & romantic  Friends
Here my entry for this week theme: 
The Giant Sequoia tree named “General Sherman”!
( I cherish this photo - when my daughter was so tiny…compare to the giant Red Wood tree!
 this photo was taken while  we were visiting the Giant Red-Wood “Sequoia” Park, it must be over ten years ago…
This park is pretty close to Yosemite )
I hope that you agree on the contrast theme…
Have a great “TGIF” dear friends,


Thursday, September 8, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for contrasts

MC dear,

I didn't want to open the show this time because of my controversial entry for the contrasts theme which I labeled
"Beauty and the Beast". I hope my buddy, the beast (why is he so quiet lately?), will take things in a very happy, amused way.
You asked for it, you got it. :=)


[MC74 and Friends] my entry for contrasts

Dear twin BiTi, fellows PNEH, painters, poets, Mr. Kiu and Forum friends,

It has been raining non stop here for the last two days (and it is still thundering outside right now); so I could not go out and shoot photos for the new theme. Plus, I don't have any idea what to shoot either. Those are my very good excuses.But it is strange that no one else seems eager to send in entries, including TNS who is usually the very first,  "ra^t' la\ nhanh nha^u?", to open the show. I wonder what the reasons are? :-)

So, while waiting for the rain to go away, and my inspiration to return, I went through my photo files to see may be there are some pictures that could be used for CONTRASTS,
and luckily found this one taken at Musee Magritte in Brussels.

Goodnight and have a nice and peaceful Thursday
from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Monday, September 5, 2011

RE: Re: [MC74 and Friends] LETTERS (OR SENTENCES)

IDear BT, MC, Mr.  Kiu, Trang, Thuy-Hoa, Phuong, BeLan, Caro, Doug, Thuan, Triet,

 Hien-Khiem,  Tuan, Be Diep, TNS, CTT,  Hien-Lan, Kim-Huong, Nhu-Hien, T-Huong,
 Loc, HyHoa, Minh-Thuy,  all PNEH & romantic  Friends,

Here is  my additional entry  for the  theme ABC: 
***The tears I shed yesterday had become rain***
the famous quote of Thich Nhat Hanh

( Yesterday, I went to Deer Park Monastery & ‘s having a wonderful time, 
While taking lunch, I was sitting by this framed calligraphy quote
Which touch my heart so deeply since I started to wonder about life… )

*** « Rien ne se perd, rien ne se crée, tout se transforme » Antoine L. de Lavoisier

Have a wonderful Tuesday dear Friends,
Cheers from Liem

Re: [MC74 and Friends] End of summer

Dear twin BiTi, fellows PNEH, painters, Mr. Kiu and Forum friends,

here are my entries entitled Summer Escapes, as part of the last act of celebration of this summer before its end.

[MC74 and Friends] End of summer

Dear Em Ci and friends,

 Here are my 2 collages for end of summer ... just to remind everyone to go out and 
enjoy it while you can before fall sets in.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

RE: [MC74 and Friends] ABC

Wow! Tuan, beautiful colors and sharpness of the photos!!!
Thank you Tuan for the  week-end greetings !

Dear talented BT, MC, Mr.  Kiu, Trang, Thuy-Hoa, Phuong, BeLan, Caro, Doug, Thuan, Triet,
Hien-Khiem,  Tuan, Be Diep, TNS, CTT,  Hien-Lan, Kim-Huong, Nhu-Hien, T-Huong, Loc, HyHoa, Minh-Thuy,
all PNEH & romantic  Friends:

Here are my entries for this week’ theme ABC:
1-The French Connection name is pretty interesting
2-The colorful parking lot @ Universal Studio Hollywood

Enjoy your week-end  dear friends!
With admiration,

[MC74 and Friends] ABC

Dear friends
Some pictures of letters, the 1st one is from a poster, the other 2 are from Vegas.
Have a nice Labor day week end for this side of the Atlantic


[MC74 and Friends] my additional entries for LETTERS, SENTENCES...

Hello 2 ba chu & friends,

Greetings from Hong Kong
Just arrived today, and it's raining cats and dogs...

Here are my contributions for the letters and sentences theme

The first one is a photo I took of the welcome sign at my sister Nhu Mai's apartment in Paris

The second one is a Jean Cocteau drawing of a horse made with his scribbles...
