Dear Em Ci Twin and friends,
What started the SF stairs search for me was the cover
picture of a book called "Stairwalks of San Francisco"
which led me to:
- The Mosaic Stairs (16th ave. and Moraga) It is just
beautiful, I took tons :-) of pics of it once in the evening
and another time in the morning with the fog hovering
at the top. There are a total of 163 steps (double and
tripled checked :-) as I went up and down and up and
down the steps... it gets really tough about the 3rd
time around at steps 145 for me hi hi
- The Twin Peaks stairs (pic2) as I climbed up the South (I
think) peaks and it's Twin stairs seen from the top of the
South (I think :-)) peak (pic3) The 360 view of SF is
breathtaking (when there's no fog, and we were very
lucky to be there on a beautiful afternoon)
- The stairs up Strawberry Hill in the middle of Stow Lake
in Golden Gate park - another fun climb (much easier than
the first 2 )
- Lyon Street Staircase ( sorry that beautiful heart is hiding
the stairs :-). On top of the stairs is The Billionaire Row
where you can check out The Getty's, Larry Ellison's, and
other SF rich and famous mansions.
I didn't know until then that there are over 40 hills in SF and
many many more staircases to explore... (note to Em Ci
and 3rd musketeerette, we should plan another visit !! )