Friday, June 10, 2011

Fw: RE: [MC74 and Friends] Happy Birthday to Bao Tram, Mai Chau, Trang and all of the June babies

My dear Em Cee and BT,

Without much further ado, your triplet would like to submit her self-portrait collage and pic (yes, when it rains, it pours, as is literally the case this minute in the Old Dominion). Not to overwhelm the weekly collage with pics of yours truly however, only the hand-drawn self-portrait should be considered my entry. Sorry this is so last-minute!

About the job offer, I'm not sure what it entails, but it involves nagging, I'm very good at that, having trained a hubby and raised two kids. My kids think I've got the Jewish mom shtick down to an art. I'm not sure the rest of the forum however is ready for three nagging triplets (that sounds kinda awful, doesn't it :-)?

Happy Father's Day to the dads on the forum!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

My late entry for self portrait

OMG , chers amis .   Đi vắng có 2 tuần thôi ... 128 mails  à savourer ! 

I echo all the comments very true from all our friends ...Sincerest congratulations to all  !
 Je suis bluffée devant tant d' esprits créatifs et artistiques , tant d'idées originales , j'admire vos belles bouilles et jolis minois , m'incline devant tant de talents phó nhòm , họa sĩ , thi sĩ  et surtout je chéri l'essence de notre mutuelle amitié !  Bái tạ và hoan hỉ !

Pour nos natifs de Juin , tous mes voeux  ... Chúc an vui , chúc  khỏe mạnh , chúc thành công  , chúc hạnh phúc nhé

Et ... My apologies for been late  .
Mon  "clin d'oeil "  cho 2 bà chủ nhóm bớt kêu réo .

 Ky-Moon văng nghệ văng gừng
 Tỳ bà khẩy gió lí le phố rùm !

Kim Huong

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My first entry for the theme Birds

Dear fellows PNEH, hoa si, thi si, Mr. Kiu, and forum friends,

Music lovers of the forum probably remember one of more recognizable bands of the 60's, The Byrds.  Songs like Turn, Turn, Turn and Mr. Tambourine Man are among their most popular tunes.  So here they are trying to make a comeback just like the rest of the old bands from that era. 

It just so happened that I was able to catch these "Byrds"  J practicing and slipped in a request to sing Happy Birthday to our dear friends Biti, EmCi, Trang, and Thu Huong, all all the June babies.

Let's just say, I was able to kill two birds with one stone !  But not these 2 Byrds, of course J.  Cheers.

Ktc & LH

The Byrds from Texas !

Fw: Re: [MC74 and Friends] BIRDS AND BEES

Hi BT and MC

Greetings from Prague!  Beautiful city, I love the Old town, and we enjoyed a great candle light concert tonight with music from Vivaldi, Bach, Mozart, Dvorak, Smetana, Mascagni and Bizet, it was wonderful.

Love your birdies photos HL and BT!! I don't have any good birds photos, and walking around today I did not come across any! I found some pictures taken last month at the LA's Museum of Natural History, but they were not so clear, so I had to do some quick photoshop... I know I know, could be better, but hey, I'm on holiday


Chùm Thơ Xuân / Đoá Hồng Dại

Un bouquet de roses poétiques ( anciennes ) pour me faire pardonner de n 'avoir pas participé au Blog PNEH depuis longtemps - étant prise ces temps ci par mes patients et pas mal de congrès et séminaires de formation continue qui se sont enchainés les WE ( à Paris et en province ) -
Et pour mes amies natives de Juin ( BT ,MC , Trang qui ressemblent à ces roses ) et toutes (et tous ) les autres amis amoureux des fleurs ( hoa hông nào cũng co' gai ! Như vây mi thu' vị .)
đđáp lại chùm thơ Xuân cuả các thi sĩ  Triết, DATuấn,Thúy Châu và Hàn Mạc Thuần ( biết đâu sẽ làm thơ đáp lại ...)
Grace au Blog de BT et MC, j' ai pu visionner tous vos superbes photos, tableaux et contributions récentes sur les portraits et monuments
Merci à tous !
Hy Hoà

Đoá hồng dại

Hãy lặng nghe bằng đôi mắt người tình
Đoá hồng dại khép mình trước ngọn gió
Chim họa mi đáp lại lời tình ca
Một áng mây dừng bước trong  chốc lát

Nắng ban mai ánh hồng khắp chân mây
Như dàn hồng ngang trời giăng ngạt hương
Tiếng chim khuyên đâu đó đã dần tắt
Ngàn sao đêm tỏa nhu vạn cánh hoa
Hoa ơi, hãy phủ kín vườn nhà tôi

Mỗi buổi sáng ngắm thế gian bừng nở
Biết làm sao cảm ơn được tạo hoá
Bao đoá hồng như bao làn môi thơm
Ướm vào tôi như lạc vào thiên đường

Trong chén rượu ta rót chút tình nồng
Màu rượu chát có phải màu hoa máu
Hạnh phúc đó đôi khi trong tầm tay
Kỹ niệm xưa đã trốn vào ký ức

Đoá hồng dại còn bao giờ ngạt ngào
Giấc chiêm bao ...

Hy Hoà 
 thang' 11/2006 ( phỏng theo "Les roses et quatrains d Omar Khayam" )

Monday, June 6, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Announcement to PNEH, hoa si, thi si and art critic -Theme for the upcoming week

Happy Monday
Here is my contribution to this week's theme of birds
Have a great week, all


Re: [MC74 and Friends] Announcement to PNEH, hoa si, thi si and art critic -Theme for the upcoming week

I took a stroll in Mile Square park this afternoon and I discovered it had a man-made lake with lots of ducks (uh birds)...

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] self portrait

How about this self portrait at Miami Beach....It looks better this way :)

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for Self Portrait

Hello everybody

I have not been able to check email regularly during my travels, so I have a lot of catch up to do, but at least I have admired the very expressive, artistic or humoristic portraits of MC, KL, Thuan, Mr Q, TNS, Khiem... I probably have missed quite a few since there has been so many email... so I guess I have to wait for BT and MC's collage to fully appreciate everybody's contribution...

It's hard to select a single photo depicting who you are... and all my photos are in my computer back home...

Oftentimes I reach out to the child I used to be so I'll submit my photo from those happy and carefree days growing up in Saigon, which I just found at my sister's place in Paris, and a recent photo reflecting the essence of who I am.

Caro Nhu Hoa


The Flamingos and Parrot are from San Francisco zoo, the Mallards couple are landing on the lake behind my house

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] BIRDS AND BEES

Dear HLan,

 Like my Twin, I love your 3 birds ( trop sage :-)) and the colorful red (what kind is it,
do you know?)

 And here's my 3 birds (pas aussi sage :-) en souvenir de Paris :-)) 


Re: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My first entry for the theme Birds

Dear Em Ci and friends,

  I love all your bird collage, it reminds me of a certain forum hi hi
 I also love the beautiful salmon color of the swallow shot.

Liem's daughter and her bird's portrait  is gorgeous, the composition,
the expression, tout!

and TNS's birds  make me long for a vacation :-)

I have a few birds up my sleeve as well, so without further ado here
they are:

1. The dance was taken while on a cruise on the SF bay.
I was dancing on the boat trying to take their pictures as well :-)

2. The blue jays , from Eagle Fall at Emerald Bay - Lake Tahoe

3. And lastly, the seagulls  which you might recognize from TH's
beautiful aquarelle.  I need a beachcation !!! :-)


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] BIRDS AND BEES


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My first entry for the theme Birds

Dear fellows PNEH, hoa si, thi si, art critic and forum friends,

Here are my other two entries for Birds:

Entry no.2 was taken in springtime near my daughter's school. I saw this little brown sparrow getting himself ready for a new spring day, perched on the branch of a tree with pink and green leaves buds, near a salmon pink color brick wall. The colors of the sparrow, the branches, the buds and the wall exude warmth and serenity.

Entry no. 3 is a photo of one of many beautiful birds found in Nairobi National Park.

Good night and enjoy the rest of your weekend


Fwd: [MC74 and Friends] Announcement to PNEH, hoa si, thi si and art critic -Theme for the upcoming week

Seagulls on Seal Beach pier. Long Beach coastline is in the background.

my entries for Birds

Dear fellows PNEH, hoa si, thi si, art critic and forum friends, Running behind the quick and light footsteps of our two PNEH BL and KL, here is my first entry for Birds.

I took this photo at this little park called Ralph Bunche Park on 1st Avenue. On my way to work I often pass by the park and like to take a little time to admire its flowers in spring, summertime and early fall. Last Thursday, I noticed the pigeons at the park, so I went there on Friday at lunch time to take their pictures. Here are some of the Ralph Bunche Park pigeons that I would like to introduce to you.

Good night from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng MC