Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Dear all,

Here is to share with you a view of the Empire State Building all decked out in green to celebrate St Patrick's day (photo
taken earlier this evening through the hole of a fence and from Long Island City, on the other side of the East River, opposite of Manhattan)

Good night
from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] This week's theme: LIGHTS

Hi Tu, Hi Duc, KLiem, LHien

And on the Eiffel theme, here's the
Tower of Tokyo taken in December...

Fwd: [MC74 and Friends] This week's theme: LIGHTS

Hi Caro,

It is very interesting the Tour Eiffel "version nippon". Where is it in Tokyo?
and here is "La dame en Fer" version day light, taken last spring !


Friday, March 18, 2011

Fwd: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Dear Liêm

to make a duo with your Eiffel LV tower , here is a shot fresh from today, moreover, with a rotating ray of "Light ";
 this pix is out of competition as well as the following, which I really love since it's a shot of the peaceful suburb where I live, some of our friends may recall this Green Neon-lit "Chez Thu² " where one Saturday afternoon in 2005, when Nathalie was on the way back with her kids from La Baule, we had lunch with Becker, Du~ng, Anh Hoa , et alii
It has an atmosphere like Edward Hopper's painting "the night coffee shop" or something like that.

Dear HyH , CTT , 

my previous shot was in Jardin des Tuileries. 
Bien vu ! On rainy days , the place really make me think of Moussorgski's Tableau d'une Exposition 

This week's theme: LIGHTS

Dear Tu, HiDuc, and KLiem,

To complement your artistic pictures, here is another shot of Lady Eiffel taken during my last dining and shopping spree with la Belle Talentueuse Madame Blog.

Here she is: ”La Dame de fer en bleu, au clair de lune”.


Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...

Chers amis  Pho Nhom en Herbe ,

Ma petite  participation : Matin Calme

Bises ,


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Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Poesie De Jeunesse

An old poem for the winter that lingers.
I would like to be a poet
So I can let snow fall
Fall on my body my head
Fall all over my thoughts of you

I would like to have the delight
To bring you closer than fire
Then melt snow flakes so white
In one whisper between you and I

I would like to be your night guest
All undressed in candle light
Don't worry where storms could be
There's not storm around, there will be me

And you'll be in the eye of the storm
The one who takes the night unraveling from its charms
The scent of your mistress more tender than day
Springing forth from mind Eternal disarray

And then I would pray out loud
O Night! Be everything but darkness
Bless those stars Blow thy candles silent!
When comes the storm even blaze knows torment

Where shall we go? What will become of us?
Talk in long moans Remember it is Night
Enraptured are the minds and forgiveness
Should descend as pearls of sweat

I would like to be your lover
So I can let rain fall
Fall on my knees my belly
Fall all over my desires


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

  to pair with your sensationally illuminated Eiffel,
  below's mine , sadly all-light-extinguished,however,
  taken from the roofs of LV,not Las Vegas,but at the
  no less bling bling, the Louis Vuitton store,7th floor.
  Your neon light seemed  curiously not glaucous.
  I'm glad you love Edward Hopper & Tableau ( as it is
  usage to call, dans le métier)
  You're  a person of light through your pix and thoughts.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] MY ENTRIES FOR LIGHT

Dear LIEM, TRANG,CARO  Yes,it is the ceiling of Bellagio Hotel in Las-Vegas .
,As DOUG pointed out  2 seconds after I sent the picture. BRAVO DOUG .It looks like a Giant Kaleidoscope. 

FRIENDS  in STATES,Could you now Find out where I did take these Two Photos?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for LIGHTS

Dear Mai Chau, BTram and friends,

Here are my pictures for the new theme

Picture 1 : the red lanterns
Picture 2 : Artemide 's collection

Also I would like to tell everyone how much I enjoy your postings! You are so talented and gifted :I can't enumerate  everything I have seen but admire all your art works, it is so diversified from sketching to drawing (Huong,HH, AT), the poem from TChau goes directly to my heart, all the pictures with a specific theme from MC; BT, Caro,Caro TD,  Liem, Trang, Triet, Doug, BSon, HH, CTT, Hien Lan, Khiem's clip etc...(forgive me if I left out any names) are full of imagination. I am very motivated to be among you and I will contribute slowly but surely...Hope you don't mind !Thuan, we are still waiting another "Tu Nhu?" from you. Quang, I discover that you have 2 ma' lung dông tiên, and not one. (thanks to HH for posting the pictures of you guys in NYC). LHien & Khiem, we miss you in Europe. When will you arrange un voyage éclair à Paris?

Last but not least, Happy bd to Nhu Lan  and CTT today (it is thursday in Switzerland) so we can also celebrate St Patrick day !
May today be filled with sunshine and smiles, laughter and love to both of you!

Good Night

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for LIGHTS

Dear Madame Blog and friends,
I learned through the grapevine that my entry for this week's theme was
disqualified due to the weakness of its light feature. To my understanding, the
light of the birthday candle flame was too small, compared to the overly
prominent birthday boy's face, and consequently - and sadly - this photo will
not make it into future collages.  I sincerely regret for such gross error of
mine and any inconvenience caused.
If second chance entries are permitted, may I respectfully submit the attached 
replacement photo, the light of which, I earnestly hope, Madame Blog will deem
intense enough for her approval:
"Let the Lord's Light shine forth, let it light up my life from the darkness

[MC74 and Friends] RE/ Simple Pleasure / PORTRAITS D' ENFANTS

 Khánh Liêm, Hiên Lan, Khiêm tc , Thuy Châu ơi
Vẽ vời chút it cho vui thôi, bơỉ vì hình chụp các bé quá dễ thương và tự nhiên ! Thành thật cám ơn lời khen cuả các bạn làm mình nở lòng ,mình chỉ là  thợ cọ nghiệp dư cho vui thôi
Xin gởi đến các bạn một tấm họa nhanh "Nụ Cười " mới  vẽ  tối hôm qua .
 Không biết có giống câu bé  thật không , nhưng chắc chắn là giống nụ cười duyên dáng đầy tình cảm cuả mẹ cậu bé
Thân mến
Hy Hoà
PS Cám ơn  bà chủ bút  BT đã phóng ngay lên mạng  với bao nhiêu hình , thơ...xem  thật đã con mắt !

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for LIGHTS

DEAR MC FRIENDS, Voici mes lumières: Lumière des Fleurs,Lumière d'Arc-En-Ciel,LUMIERE " Chaud Au Coeur"   BIZ_,___

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Dear  MC,  BT, CTT, Mr. Q., HH2, TNS, Doug, Triet, Belan, Grand-Duc, Caro, TH, Khiem-Hien, Tuan-Thuy, T-Chau, Trang  & All MC Friends!
I've been enjoying & admiring so so so much  your spectacular  artworks  for the last  48 hours (only 48 hours & there so many unbelievable treasures sent
to this forum)
Here is my contribution for this week theme:  "Light @ the mini-Tower" in Vegas;  I had the occasion to take this photo last Christmas Eve.  (Dec. 25, 2010)
The street in Vegas was full of sparkling  light & much fun to just walk around with friends & relatives.
& here is a kute & fun poem for my   MC friends:
Cheers from   K-Liem

Sống trên đời mới chỉ là một nửa.
Biết bao giờ tìm được nửa thứ hai.
Dẫu biết rằng    1 +1 = 2
Nhưng cũng có 2 : 2 =1.
Một người buông tay 1 người ngã .
Môt người cất bước 1 người mong .
Môt người ra đi 1 người khóc .
Môt người quay lưng 1 người buồn .
Môt người đang quên 1 người nhớ .
Môt người hạnh phúc 1 người đau .
Môt người ngồi đau lòng nhung nhớ .
Môt người ngồi đó tựa vai ai .
Hy vọng tắt đi khi bạn ngừng tin tưởng .
Tình yêu mất đi khi bạn ngừng quan tâm .
Tình bạn mất đi khi bạn ngừng chia sẻ
Häy mở lòng và xích lại gần nhau ! "

In the Mood for the Night

In the Mood for the Night
Je t'attendais sans dire un mot
Au pied de ces marches
Dans la pénombre de la taverne
Odeurs de mets, vapeurs enbrumées
La ville ,la nuit
Est une mystérieuse amante fardée

Tu es arrivée
Moulée dans ta robe fendue
Tes jambes interminables
Le parfum de tes cheveux
La grâce de tes pas.
Tu es descendue
Je suis monté
Dans l' escalier étroit
Nos corps se sont frôlés
Nos regards se sont croisés

Un vent de désir a embrasé nos sens
Une émotion déferlante a étreint nos âmes
Telle la vague se brisant
Sur le rivage nocturne
En une gerbe d' écumes scintillantes

"Bonsoir" ai je dit
"Bonsoir " m' as tu répondu
Puis nous avons continué nos pas
Dans la nuit,sans jamais nous toucher
Dehors la pluie est de nouveau tombée
Martelant le sol bitumé
De sa musique lancinante.

Automne 2005 En hommage au film
"In the Mood for the Love »
Scène de la taverne

Thuy' Cha^u's poem

Ne me tente pas

Ne me tente pas car j'aime
Écouter la mer et les beaux vers
Ne me tente pas, car je crois encore
Au silence des mots et au silence des coeurs.

Ne m'écoute pas quand je me surprends,
A imaginer des couchers de soleil brûlants,
Et ne jette pas mon corps au fond de la mer,
Une nuit de naufrage, sans étoile, sans toi!

Je n'ai que faire, je n'ai que gare
Tu es le sel qui meurtrit toute la chair
En vain je tombe, en vain tu montes
Et à cause de toi, tout est à l'envers

Ne me tente pas car j'aime
Défaire, refaire, traîner mes chaînes,
Ne me trompe pas par tes silences,
Car j'aime refaire le chemin qui me ramène à toi.


There is no one but you and me,
Sharing a thought and a vessel,
With slick and large haughty sails,
To take over my trembling lips

There is no room for you and me
To make away, in my empty skull
Many a seeping thoughts amiss
Bemoaning a time that has been shot

And I thought it was you and me
Sharing a room in my own skull
A smile that pierces eyes and minds
Where rambling thoughts are running through


Triet's poems

Note: this is just a ploy to inspire Thuy Chau to share more of her poems with us. Hers is the real poetry!


Avec ce peu d'espoir
Qu'aurons nous pu achever
Dans ce grand abandon
Qu'aurais-je trouvé en toi
Qui survivra en moi ?


Comme la rosée nue sur le mythe symphonique
Comme l 'illusion improvisée sur un thème calcaire
Comme ce rayon de lune percant le monolithe amer
Comme un mince sourire parcourant les lèvres gercées de l'invalide
Tu vas et tu viens
Dans l'espace solitaire de mes rêves.

                                                             Été 1978

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

I'm doing a pretty poor job of keeping up with the mail and photo submissions, so I have to apologize in advance if my comments tend to be sporadic and a bit willy-nilly. Light, as this week's theme, permeates everything and is essential to photography, so the possible subjects for the week are limitless in my view. All the entries I've seen (can't be sure I've caught them all so far) are so varied and yet so unique.

MC, your second photo with the bit of sun captured and reflected in the metal bowl is exquisite. You really do have an artist eye! And as an orchid aficionado, I have to say I love all orchid pictures, including yours and Caro Thu Dung's.

Caro, your Great Wall picture at night is amazing with its illusion of a snake, which is what the Great Wall looks like from the sky.

BT, I love the chandelier picture with its reflections of light. 

Finally Triet, my favorite time of day is sunset, so of course I love the St Martin sunset picture. With that, here are a couple of entries: my own "Maui Sunset" and "Sunrise", taken this past week.


Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

    to celebrate our renewed friendship after all these years, here is my first submission and submission for Light :   Rainbow in Skogarfoss (Iceland)
Caro, those are amazing pictures of the Great Wall. I now have to add this one to my travel list.
Cao Tuan

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Thua thang xong len, here is the second picture of my Skogarfoss in Iceland submission
Cao Tuan

Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Hi Mai-Chau, friends,

my entry for this week's theme, I'd like to title this, " Glaring light , subtle fire ".
Hve DPDphh.a nice week ( despite Fukushima )

Fwd: RE/ Simple Pleasure / PORTRAITS D' ENFANTS

Vos portraits d enfants du Blog  sont si beaux que j' ai essayé d 'en
croquer deux hier soir ( il y a longtemps que je n' en ai pas fait
aussi le résultat n' est pas terrible soyer cléments ! )  j' espère
que les auteures les reconnaitront et m' excuse à l' avance s 'ils ont
été dénaturés !
Une petite contribution au Blog de nos twins
Hy Hoà

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Hi BTT, MC, CTT, Doug, Son, Triet, Tuan & MC Friends

Your entries are enlightening and enchanting...

Here's my contribution... There are so many ways to interpret lights (as illustrated by BT's beautiful lit crystals), but if I have to select the most impressive lighting scene from my album, it has to be a private dinner gala organized against the Great Wall of China backdrop, the atmosphere, lighting, dragon dance, catering, were just breathtaking and my pictures can't really do any justice, but here goes...



Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entries for LIGHT

Dear friends,
Here are my entries for the theme of light.  
The first one is from the city I love most ...
This second one is from cai tat thich nhin troi nhin dat one
evening in our backyard.

and this third one from a few minutes ago … chay loanh quanh in
search of light to practice and try to keep up with my energetic
twin :-)

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...

Hi dear friends,
my entry seems a little ridiculous next to the đồ xộ,
cộc lồ chề Niagara Falls.
Below , the Jet d'Eau in the Geneva bay,at night.

My entry for this week's theme: "Light"

My Dear Twins and Other Pho Nhoms,

Here is my contribution for this week's theme: "St Martin Twilight" Pretty self-explanatory, no?. :-)

For future themes, how about  (1) "Transitions (or Change)" and (2) "Attitudes"?  I think both subjects are broad enough to spur some very creative interpretations from you all. What do you think?

Keep up the great work!



my entries for LIGHT

My dear fellows Pho' nhom\, hoa. si~, thi si~  en herbe, and Forum friends,

Here are my entries for this week's theme Light, inspired by the song Nguye^.t Ca of Tri.nh Co^ng So*n (as sung by one of my favorite female singers, Thai' Hie^\n in this very old video

My first one is entitled "Tu*\ khi trang la\ nguye^t.
I remembered one early evening as we were stuck in traffic, I looked up and saw the moon just raising above some pink clouds. Although it was just a sliver of a moon,  it was bright, serene and beautiful. It reminded me of the lyrics in Nguye^.t ca:
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt đèn thắp sáng trong tôi
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt em mang tim bối rối
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt tôi như từng cánh diều vui
Từ khi em là nguyệt trong tôi có những mặt trời

Từ đêm khuya khi nắng sớm hay trong những cơn mưa

Từ bao la em đã đến xua tan những nghi ngờ
Từ trăng xưa là nguyệt lòng tôi có đôi khi
Tựa bông hoa vừa mọc hân hoan giây xuống thế

My second entry is entitled Trong to^i co' nhu*~ng mat tro*i\.
A little sunshine captured this morning.


My third photo is entitled Bo^ng hoa vu*\a moc. han^ hoan.
this one is for all of you as an early sign of spring and hope, and with thanks to Thu Hu*o*ng who suggested that I keep taking pictures of my little phalaenopsis through its flowering stages. One of its flower buds started blooming yesterday in the morning sunlight.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend
From Be^n Bo*\ So^ng

RE: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...

My entry is Lighted Niagara Falls at night seen from the Canada side

RE: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...

Sunset over Newport Coast.


RE: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...

"Nightdreaming" at the bar!

where, if not careful, 
your thoughts will bubble up into ... the blues! :) :) :) 

The bar at the Kingfish Restaurant, San Mateo, Calif
one lonesome summer night.

Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for Simple Pleasure/Key to Happiness

Hello dear BT, MC, CTT, Thu-Huong, Trang, Caro Nhu-Hoa et al
Woaw!! there are so many pics, paintings, collages and caricatures to enjoy... thank you all for such an awsome show of talents and creativity!
Yes, could I join you for hi tea too? I love devonshire cream on scones, finger sandwiches... miam!
Trang: your grand daughters are very very  cute! How old are they? do they live around the Bay area? I just returned from the East coast: as I took the kids to 7springs for skiing and stayed in VA only for 3 days. I couldnt  meet up with you (so sorry ! will organize better next time). Un grand merci pour les tangos sans fin!.
Thu-Huong: tes danseuses sont magnifiques!!! dansent elles  le flamenco ou le tango? QLâm est en train d'emménager je n'ai pas pu la joindre. En quelles années fréquentais tu les BeauxArts de Paris?
CTT: Mimi est très mignonne  where could we have hi tea around le lac Léman?
Happy B'day to you , to  Lan Dior who celebrated it in  a fun way on snow tubing! and to all the March babies.
Mai-Châu: how could one refuse your invitation to pho and café sua da? it is simply  irresistible,  c'est très sympa chère Caro Mai-Châu. By chance, have you heard from the twin sisters Thuy-Hang Thuy Nga? sorry to 2 bà chu blog,  for the late participation due to the  lack of time.
TD Caro

Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for Simple Pleasure/Key to Happiness

Voici ma modeste contribution pour votre theme :" Key to Happiness or Simple pleasure "

Balade en moto à travers les Préalpes Vaudoises au mois de Septembre. Ici c'est le lac Hongrin.



Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entries for Simple Pleasure/Key to Happiness

Dear BT, MC and friends,

Forgive me if I'm out of sync and don't know which blog theme we are on now.  If the entry deadline is not yet past, please accept my late entry for "Simple Pleasure/Key to Happiness". This is a picture of my good friend, Chummy, with whom I enjoy simple and relaxing walks every evening.

