My dear fellows Pho' nhom\, hoa. si~, thi si~ en herbe, and Forum friends,
Here are my entries for this week's theme Light, inspired by the song Nguye^.t Ca of Tri.nh Co^ng So*n (as sung by one of my favorite female singers, Thai' Hie^\n in this very old video
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt em mang tim bối rối
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt tôi như từng cánh diều vui
Từ khi em là nguyệt trong tôi có những mặt trời
Từ đêm khuya khi nắng sớm hay trong những cơn mưa
Từ bao la em đã đến xua tan những nghi ngờ
Từ trăng xưa là nguyệt lòng tôi có đôi khi
Tựa bông hoa vừa mọc hân hoan giây xuống thế

Here are my entries for this week's theme Light, inspired by the song Nguye^.t Ca of Tri.nh Co^ng So*n (as sung by one of my favorite female singers, Thai' Hie^\n in this very old video
My first one is entitled "Tu*\ khi trang la\ nguye^t.
I remembered one early evening as we were stuck in traffic, I looked up and saw the moon just raising above some pink clouds. Although it was just a sliver of a moon, it was bright, serene and beautiful. It reminded me of the lyrics in Nguye^.t ca:
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt đèn thắp sáng trong tôiI remembered one early evening as we were stuck in traffic, I looked up and saw the moon just raising above some pink clouds. Although it was just a sliver of a moon, it was bright, serene and beautiful. It reminded me of the lyrics in Nguye^.t ca:
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt em mang tim bối rối
Từ khi trăng là nguyệt tôi như từng cánh diều vui
Từ khi em là nguyệt trong tôi có những mặt trời
Từ đêm khuya khi nắng sớm hay trong những cơn mưa
Từ bao la em đã đến xua tan những nghi ngờ
Từ trăng xưa là nguyệt lòng tôi có đôi khi
Tựa bông hoa vừa mọc hân hoan giây xuống thế
My second entry is entitled Trong to^i co' nhu*~ng mat tro*i\.
A little sunshine captured this morning.
A little sunshine captured this morning.
My third photo is entitled Bo^ng hoa vu*\a moc. han^ hoan.
this one is for all of you as an early sign of spring and hope, and with thanks to Thu Hu*o*ng who suggested that I keep taking pictures of my little phalaenopsis through its flowering stages. One of its flower buds started blooming yesterday in the morning sunlight.
this one is for all of you as an early sign of spring and hope, and with thanks to Thu Hu*o*ng who suggested that I keep taking pictures of my little phalaenopsis through its flowering stages. One of its flower buds started blooming yesterday in the morning sunlight.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend
From Be^n Bo*\ So^ng
Dear Em Ci,
ReplyDeleteIMHO, your Little Sunshine was beautifully and elegantly composed. It's amazing to me that a perfectly rectangular reflection was able to project on a curved surface w/o any distortions (the rectangular lighted area is from a glass door?). The mostly black, white, and silver colors perfectly framed and highlighted the blue and orange hues in the middle. The shapes alternated from angular to curved and back to angular also provided visual contrast and delight. Just a gorgeous harmony of colors and shapes!
Your budding Phalaenopsis orchid is also very lovely. Pls keep shooting and hopefully BiTi in her spare time will create a time composite gif picture for all of us to enjoy :-).
My hat off to MC (Magical Caro). I love them all especially the second one.
ReplyDeleteYour photos are exquisite!
I'm doing a pretty poor job of keeping up with the mail and photo submissions, so I have to apologize in advance if my comments tend to be sporadic and a bit willy-nilly. Light, as this week's theme, permeates everything and is essential to photography, so the possible subjects for the week are limitless in my view. All the entries I've seen (can't be sure I've caught them all so far) are so varied and yet so unique.
ReplyDeleteMC, your second photo with the bit of sun captured and reflected in the metal bowl is exquisite. You really do have an artist eye! And as an orchid aficionado, I have to say I love all orchid pictures, including yours and Caro Thu Dung's.
Hi MC , BT, Trang, Cao Tuan , Quang & friends,
ReplyDeleteEmCiiiiiiiiiiiii !
j'aime la 1ère avec la belle chanson
j'aime sutout la 2è ,comme TNS
je ne peux que aimer la 3è,comme Trang.
Hi dear BT, MC, Caro NH,
ReplyDeletesao mây' bà post nhiêu`thê', hoa ca? mat' :>)
BT : you are undeniably the Queen of glass
and crystal. No comment.
NH : you are the Queen of every gala given on
your honor. The images of the Great Mural and
the the V.I.P. reception were magically illuminated.
I'm baba.
MC : you are the Queen EmCi, the perfect
Master of Ceremonies,like your name suggests so,
having eyes everywhere,in front of and behind
the camera, eagle eye and subtle flair !