Saturday, March 26, 2011
Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week's theme Weird ...Guess what?
De tiep 2 bà chu? Blog nhung tâ'm hình cua chi Hà(ng khi chi ta dê'n viê'ng
tha(m chúng ta tuan truo'c. Nho den câu này trong truyê.n ????
"Hu*o*ng trò*i -dá(m nguyet say hoa
Tây thi mâ't viá, Hà(ng nga giâ.t mình"
Ai doán duoc hình chu.p o tiê.m nào danh tiê'ng ve thò*i trang ?
cay ti xi
Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week's theme Weird ...Guess what?
Hello Bao Trâm, Mai Châu and friends,
Sans contestation, votre Blog est le RV incontournable du moment ! Quel plaisir de retrouver tous les chefs-d'oeuvres
de nos amis les plus talentueux !
Et voici mes entrées du thème "Guess What ? ". Récompense au gagnant !
Tu', Peux tu donner un coup de main ?
Sans contestation, votre Blog est le RV incontournable du moment ! Quel plaisir de retrouver tous les chefs-d'oeuvres
de nos amis les plus talentueux !
Et voici mes entrées du thème "Guess What ? ". Récompense au gagnant !
Tu', Peux tu donner un coup de main ?
Be Lan
Re: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week's theme Weird ...Guess what?
Since I'm at the world's famous timepieces and jewelry fair in Basel, my first entry (shot today at the fair) is my interpretation of your theme... Is it acceptable?
If it's disqualified, then everybody, guess which Swiss watch brand these ladies are promoting on my 2nd entry below?
Since I'm at the world's famous timepieces and jewelry fair in Basel, my first entry (shot today at the fair) is my interpretation of your theme... Is it acceptable?
If it's disqualified, then everybody, guess which Swiss watch brand these ladies are promoting on my 2nd entry below?
Caro NH
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] my entry for this week's theme Weird ...Guess what?
Dear all,
Here are my entries for this week's " weird … guess what" … they are? :-)
And do be a bit more specific … i.e. what they are used for?
Have fun!
Here are my entries for this week's " weird … guess what" … they are? :-)
And do be a bit more specific … i.e. what they are used for?
Have fun!
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] our next week theme - Guess what?
Dear EmCi & friends,
Mr Kiu has the privilege to be the only one in his category.
Immediately.after your solemn announcement I jump with
both feet on the hand to present my photo Guess What,
perhaps,not weird enough for your brain. Làm cho xong.
Have a nice W.E. everyone,EmCi, can you satisfy my curiosity
in revealing your destination :>)) without access to a computer ?
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Fwd: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Hello Thuan,
What a beautiful poem! There is so many posts that I can't keep up reading. It was Be Lan who told me that you wrote a beautiful poem and I have to dig in to find it. But what a treasure! Thanks for sharing. Sorry to hear that California is battling with bad weather and rain. I hope that everything will soon be fine.
And in the mood for Unrequited Love here is mine.
Not as delicate as yours but I hope it's not too childish writing.
Anyway you will see how hard I can be towards the object of love: Don't you dare to sleep, to dream and even to breathe! :) And finally I flush it...:)
Manh tinh ta
Anh ơi, Anh hởi Anh đừng ngũ
Vì nhỡ chiêm bao lại quên tôi ?
Anh ơi, Anh hởi Ôi tình nụ
Ngoảnh mặt tìm tôi bóng xa xôi
Vì nhớ Anh rồi, đêm cũng trống
Mà lỡ thương chi, cho rối lòng Anh
Vớ vẩn cái hình chung cái bóng
Tôi dù ú ớ cũng tên Anh
Tên Anh có nhớ, đem tháo nước (flush it?)
Đem thả hồn ra, cá bơi xa
Quyện thân bèo nổi, cá không nói
Chút rong mặt nước, mảnh tình ta
Anh ơi, Anh hởi Anh đừng thở
Vì nhỡ tôi hôn lại không hay ?
Anh ơi, Anh hởi Ôi tình dở
Đem trả cho tôi, mảnh hồn say ...
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions"
My romantic twin BiTi and Forum friends,
In response to BiTi's posting, I am sharing with you some pictures of my moon.
Here are what I manage to catch on Saturday as I was chasing after her, at a stop at the gas station (photo no.2) , in the car on the highway ( photo no.1) , on my way walking to the restaurant (no 3, 5 and 6) and standing in my garden (no. 4). Too bad I did not use a tripod, and my hand was not steady, so it was very blurry.
As BiTi observed, I also thought it was not as chubby as I expected, I have seen her way much bigger and golden bright before, but perhaps it was because I was standing on a very high floor of a building at that time.
Good night
from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng
In response to BiTi's posting, I am sharing with you some pictures of my moon.
Here are what I manage to catch on Saturday as I was chasing after her, at a stop at the gas station (photo no.2) , in the car on the highway ( photo no.1) , on my way walking to the restaurant (no 3, 5 and 6) and standing in my garden (no. 4). Too bad I did not use a tripod, and my hand was not steady, so it was very blurry.
As BiTi observed, I also thought it was not as chubby as I expected, I have seen her way much bigger and golden bright before, but perhaps it was because I was standing on a very high floor of a building at that time.
Good night
from Be^n Bo*\ So^ng
Em Ci
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Fwd: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear friends,
Thank you all for posting so many beautiful pictures of spring from around the world. They are uplifting and make me appreciate this season of hope, of renewal and rebirth.
I'm not sure what is the maximum number of entries one is allowed to submit for each theme, so I'm taking the liberty of sending in two additional pictures of Transition to Spring.
I'd like to share with you these cay nha la vuon pictures, which I took earlier this morning, to show you that spring has finally come to Texas, and the azaleas are starting to bloom. This is the loveliest time of the year to be in Dallas. We'll be enjoying wonderful weather for next two months, before the scorching heat descends on us again.
Please accept these pictures of my backyard flowers as a token of my friendship to you.
Kind regards,
Anh Tuan
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Re: [MC74 and Friends] Fwd: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear High Level Blog Executives, fellow bloggers:
Yes, Triet is right. California has been battered by a series of storm
that left us wet and cold like the rest of the country. As a result,
the top of the San Gabriel Mountain in my neck of the woods has been
covered with snow, low clouds and thick fog, while signs of Spring are
obvious on the ground. The view of the mountain is fascinating, but I
must admit I could not capture its beauty with my camera due to lack
of photographic skills. I wish a professional like Doc Doug was here
to help me. Nevertheless, I managed to come up with my entry for the
theme Transition/Spring, ready to be submitted. I am aware of the
stringent rules and regulations set forth by the authorities at the
High Command of the Blog, and am quite confident that my entry is in
total compliance in terms of subject matter and timeliness. I had
obtained an special exemption from Ms EmCi ( allowing me not to follow
the rules), but will save this privilege for another occasion -:).
The view of the mountain, and a poem by Che-Lan-Vien, the verses of
which I will quote later, were my inspiration to compose va`i ca^u
tho* con co'c to submit, along with two photographs. They both show
the mountain top covered with snow, clouds and fog. In one, I took a
page from Mr. K.t.c.'s playbook, and shot the picture in the car while
driving home.
A note to the two "kho' ti'nh" members of the blog Di` Tu* Minh-Thu'y
and CowGirl Luong-Hien: No, this poem was not mu*o*.n or cho^m from
Tôi có chờ đâu có đợi đâu
Đem chi Xuân đến gợi thêm sầu
Với tôi tất-cả như vô-nghĩa
Tất cả không ngoài nghĩa khổ-đau.
Ai đâu trở lại mùa Thu trước
Nhặt lấy cho tôi những lá vàng
Với của muôn hoa muôn cánh rã
Về đây đem chắn nẻo Xuân sang.
Cuối Đông
Mây thật thấp, sương mù len đỉnh núi
Gió lạnh về, tuyết trắng vẫn còn bay,
Mùa Đông ơi, hãy dang rộng đôi tay
Ngăn Xuân lại, đừng cho Xuân đến vội.
Người đã đến để lòng ta mở hội,
Ban ân-tình cho một kẻ cuồng-si,
Trong thoáng chốc, tình chợt đến chợt đi,
Mùa Xuân ấy, ôi Xuân sầu ly-biệt!
Nay Xuân đến, với cây xanh nắng biếc
Ấm muôn loài, nhưng chẳng ấm tim ta,
Vạn-vật tưng-bừng, sắc thắm ngàn hoa
Không thay-đổi được lòng này khô-héo.
Tiết Đông buồn-bã, âm-thầm, lạnh-lẽo
Ta quen rồi, băng-giá thú đau-thương,
Tự bảo lòng: thôi quên hết vấn-vương
Tình-yêu ấy, chỉ phù-du ảo-ảnh.
Lưu-luyến chi, khi tình-yêu vỗ cánh
Người xa rồi, hương-phấn khó nhạt-phai,
Khi Xuân sang, mang đến những u-hoài,
Tim ta chứa một mùa Đông vô-tận!
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] New theme for our weekly projectTransition/ Da Nang / Ha Noi
Dear Ipi ,
Very expressive photo, relaxing and full of meanings, perhaps due to the colors of dawn and the serenity on the people faces contrasting to the hurry walk on the pier ,and illustrated perfectly by your text, quite a sketch movie, with sounds and movements
A beautifull piece of Da Nang , so well captured and express under your eyes and feelings . Writed with such sensibility and shade of colors -like a painter- , I can imagine the changing of colors and times through the day and smell the breeze of the wind through the changing form of the clouds in the sky .Wish I can write like you Duc !
Your comparison between the early wake up and transition of this day in Da Nang with the wake up and changing on a modern and comfortable life for many people is pertinent and really well found
"Walking on the Pier to the future ? "
I had this feelings too , specially the last times I came back to VN ,waking up early in the morning and walking slowly around the Hoan Kiem lake before starting my work day ,and before the noisy traffic and human crowd jump on the city . I saw this incredible light in the sky above the mist of the lake , and like you in Da Nang, the people training Tai Chi around the corner in a slowly zen ballet in the early daw , so peacefull !
Not far away , the new areas of buildings around the South Hô Tây (Khu Dô Thi Moi ) scaped their form in the sky above the West Lake
photo 1/ Tai Chi at Hô Hoàn Kiêm early morning 2005
Very expressive photo, relaxing and full of meanings, perhaps due to the colors of dawn and the serenity on the people faces contrasting to the hurry walk on the pier ,and illustrated perfectly by your text, quite a sketch movie, with sounds and movements
A beautifull piece of Da Nang , so well captured and express under your eyes and feelings . Writed with such sensibility and shade of colors -like a painter- , I can imagine the changing of colors and times through the day and smell the breeze of the wind through the changing form of the clouds in the sky .Wish I can write like you Duc !
Your comparison between the early wake up and transition of this day in Da Nang with the wake up and changing on a modern and comfortable life for many people is pertinent and really well found
"Walking on the Pier to the future ? "
I had this feelings too , specially the last times I came back to VN ,waking up early in the morning and walking slowly around the Hoan Kiem lake before starting my work day ,and before the noisy traffic and human crowd jump on the city . I saw this incredible light in the sky above the mist of the lake , and like you in Da Nang, the people training Tai Chi around the corner in a slowly zen ballet in the early daw , so peacefull !
Not far away , the new areas of buildings around the South Hô Tây (Khu Dô Thi Moi ) scaped their form in the sky above the West Lake
photo 1/ Tai Chi at Hô Hoàn Kiêm early morning 2005
photo 2 / Transition in HN architectur past and present 2006
Hy Hoa
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] Re: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions"
Dear Friends,
Here's to share with you the sunset and moonrise over Dana Point on March 19th. Chi Hang is supposed to be at her 'chubbiest' I mean 'brighest' :-) but … somehow she didn't appear that way that evening, at least in my corner of the world :-) Did any one catch her otherwise that weekend?

and this second photo is … hors sujet :-) but since I was in the neighborhood I decide to snap some pics to entice CTT further to come and visit the West Coast of America before it becomes part of the Hawaiian Islands *J/K*

Here's to share with you the sunset and moonrise over Dana Point on March 19th. Chi Hang is supposed to be at her 'chubbiest' I mean 'brighest' :-) but … somehow she didn't appear that way that evening, at least in my corner of the world :-) Did any one catch her otherwise that weekend?
and this second photo is … hors sujet :-) but since I was in the neighborhood I decide to snap some pics to entice CTT further to come and visit the West Coast of America before it becomes part of the Hawaiian Islands *J/K*
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] New theme for our weekly project
Thanks Mr Kiu , (I believe they call you) , Ladies of the Lens,
That morning in 2009 when I awoke in my hotel room up there in Da nang, I felt myself really in many transitions.
Of course, transition between night and day, augmented by the eery feeling provided by the glass pane that was a whole wall of my suite from the 35th floor. At first it was night, a royal blue black velvet fabric draped over, here and there, patches of land dotted by spots of street lights and lamp-lit windows. I felt like my childhood dreams of science fiction had came true : I was living in a space station, like the big wheel in "2001: A Space Odyssey" we saw at the Centre Culturel Français in 1972.
Then violet and rosy streaks slowly beamed from one corner of horizon as dawn lazily pushed back its bed covers and swung its pink-white smoothed legs out of bed. The invisible Sun, from below the low skyline of wooden and thatch cottages across the Hàn river, sent its rays to illuminate the mottling of strato cirrus very high , over 5000 feet probably. Flocks of pink, then white sheeps revealed themselves by rows and lines in the skies, ahead of an undissipated thick wall of cold front dark cumulus.
Then, as the sun got higher, the ripples on the Hàn's surface became more accentuated. A small junk left a parting wake like a smile across the serene stretch of water.
I found myself excitedly realizing this was also a period of transition for these people, waking up from the hunger-ridden post war years into the accelerating pace of skyscrapers building on the outer bank. The harvest of growth at a 6%-8% clip was visible as the towers grew amid the low cottages. Infrastructural groundwork was being laid. For more speed and flexibility, these people will skip over and jump past the slow fixed telephone lines and archaic economic banking relays. Dive directly into cell phones and internet banking and RFID payment systems.
Another transition was starting, as I see throngs of pedestrians, some walking, some running , on the paved boardwalks of the Han river. They were mostly doing their callisthenics movements with upper arms and torsos as they walked. Some paused to do Tai Chi. They squeezed in a half hour of exercise before going to work, their offices or market stalls being fortunately a mere 15 minutes in this (still) small town Da nang. Definitely, health and beauty will be the next stops in transition, for these beginners in Affluence.
====== ====== ======
I'm only one step ahead of exp(i*Pi
Hi Duc
Fwd: My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
My dear twin BiTi, Trie^'t, Trang and other pho' nhom\s en herbe,
My first entry - As Manhattan transitioned into spring was for Trang's sub theme. Here is my second entry entitled Off the Map transition, with the hope that this would fit into Mr. Brainy's definition of transition :-). As it turned out, no one had any difficulty coming up with more than one photo to match Trie^'t 's sub theme....except me :-)
I love all of the entries received so far from our regular contributors and the latest kid on the block Minh Thuy'. They are all original and beautiful in their own ways. It was such a pleasure for me to open the attachments and look at the pictures.
We still have a lot more photos coming from the other regular pho' nhoms\ CiTiTi, Hien Lan, Caro Thu Dung, o^ng chu? Forum TNS, Thuan (if his time permits), Cao Tua^'n, the famous couple/competitors/collaborators Khiem and Luong Hie^\n, and last but not least Ms. Spring - Trang. So stay tuned :-)
Psst , BiTi, did I miss anyone? I have been posting the comments from the Forum to the blog a bit slowly these days, but I am getting there :-)
Good night
from Be^n bo*\ so^ng
Em Ci
Em Ci
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My Entries for This Week's Theme: Transition/Change
Dear Mr. Brainy, Mesdames Blog and friends,
Please accept my entry for Transition to New Life. This is the picture of a cute two-month-old baby at a shelter for destitute girls who got pregnant out of wedlock. This baby and his mom will soon be moving out of this housing because they are both recovered, and the mom has found a job to support herself and her child.
Best wishes for a brighter future to both mom and child!
Anh Tuan
Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions" Passé présent/ Jour Nuit
Chers BT et amis pho nhom
Ma petite contribution pour les Transitions
1 / Ha Long au crépuscule du pont du bateau , à travers les cordages
du bateau- barque ,2009
2 / Deux moyens de transport se côtoyant dans la rue : Vélo spécial
vietnamien et voiture Hdernier cri ( au 1er plan en flouté) devant les vitrines
multicolores, un autre monde pour le conducteur du vélo, Hà Nôi , 2006
Hy Hoà
Hy Hoa
Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Monday, March 21, 2011
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear friends,
For this week's theme, Transition to Spring, please accept the picture of my backyard wisteria in bloom:
How I love to sit under the beautiful wisteria and smell its perfume,
and admire the flowers cascading down like grapes, the delicate petals fluttering in the wind,
and reflect on their melancholic purple color…
Anh Tuan
My Entries for This Week's Theme: "Transitions/Change"
Hello Dear Pho Nhoms,
I'm using my 3 entries to illustrate how broadly you can interpret the theme of "Transition or Change".
The first, "Commencement", is the most obvious. Note that every kid in the shot was doing something different: phoning, texting, sleeping, chatting, looking around...anything but listening to the Commencement speaker who, as it so happens, was Barack Obama !
The second, "Disguise" is a picture of our neighbor's daughter with face painting on. Not sure what she wanted to become...?
The last, "Directions", is a shot of an intersection sign in Prague. It's a bit of stretch, I admit, but I just like the composition. :-)
I hope these meet with the approval of our two bosses, the Twins!
Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear Friends,
Here are my 2 photos for this week’s theme “Transition/Change”.
The first one is Go Green
Even the thinker (look alike) is sprouting green ideas as you can see
This second one I took at a baby shower a month or so ago is self-explanatory :-)
Re: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Cher(e)s Bi Ti , Mai Chau , Khanh Liem , Caro Nhu Hoa et amis ,
Encore une qui voit rose J .
Bonne semaine à tous ,
Thu Huong
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear BT, MC, CTT, Caro, Mr. Q., TNS, Thuy-Chau, HH2, Triet, Duc, Thuan, BeLan, Hien-Lan, T-Huong, Trang, Khiem-Hien, Tuan and all sweet MC friends:
Here is my transition to Spring contribution to this week theme
Here is my transition to Spring contribution to this week theme
These flowers are blooming everywhere in my area & it makes me feel so "pink" happy & renewal
It would compliment Caro's photo of the large pink blooming tree
Re: [MC74 and Friends] New theme for our weekly project
To : friends of the Lens
From : land of the France
Our Twin Presidents, BiTi and Em Ci have christened this Week , "Changes /Transition " , probably with inspirations from Triêt's orginal idea.
Here are 2 kinds of different transitions :
====== ====== ======
I'm only one step ahead of exp(i*Pi)
Hi Duc
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Very nice collage, you can feel that Spring is in the air in NY city! I didn't know you could do this with Picasa either, I do my collage with photoshop...
BT & MC, I'm a bit of a rush because am leaving tomorrow to Europe, so this is my Transition into Spring contribution, taken in Huntington Libray in Los Angeles... Its botanical garden is one of my favorite places here, the vegetation is so varied and lush... If you have not been there lately, you should go soon before the Japanese Garden closes for an extended period of time due to renovation...
Very nice collage, you can feel that Spring is in the air in NY city! I didn't know you could do this with Picasa either, I do my collage with photoshop...
BT & MC, I'm a bit of a rush because am leaving tomorrow to Europe, so this is my Transition into Spring contribution, taken in Huntington Libray in Los Angeles... Its botanical garden is one of my favorite places here, the vegetation is so varied and lush... If you have not been there lately, you should go soon before the Japanese Garden closes for an extended period of time due to renovation...
Caro NH
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme "Transitions/Spring"
Dear Mai Châu, BT & friends,
You gave me the virus to become "pho nhom en herbe", I can't help it !
Here are my entries for this week :
Picture 1: Spring through the window
Picture 2 : Spring is in the air !
Mai Châu, your collage is awesome, one can't detect you as a beginner ! and we can feel all the love of NYC in you!
just like me "fidèle aux paysages Suisse, malgré moi". This is my signature ! I come to realize that I only post pictures from
TChâu, you are multi-talented, not just only an outstanding poetess, you are also a great cartoonist !please accept all my
admiration, your poems touched my heart.
Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for the nice and fun forum !
You gave me the virus to become "pho nhom en herbe", I can't help it !
Here are my entries for this week :
Picture 1: Spring through the window
Picture 2 : Spring is in the air !
Mai Châu, your collage is awesome, one can't detect you as a beginner ! and we can feel all the love of NYC in you!
just like me "fidèle aux paysages Suisse, malgré moi". This is my signature ! I come to realize that I only post pictures from
TChâu, you are multi-talented, not just only an outstanding poetess, you are also a great cartoonist !please accept all my
admiration, your poems touched my heart.
Have a great weekend everyone and thanks for the nice and fun forum !
Be Lan
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My entry for this week's theme: Light "Attitude"
My dear M.C. M.C. EMCI ( Marie Curie ,Master of ceremonies Mai Chau)
I 'm from the plebs, I'll stay plebeian.
Let me get off the throne you "nicely" installed me on :>)
I'm just so happy to belong to Pho Nhom's family, directed
by master hands of the dynamic duo BiTi & EmCi.
You prove to us everyday that you're a MC, without equal, with
thousand talents ,you'd better career in diplomacy, having the art
of receiving each one.What else ? You do wonders, your collage
doesn't look like an Amish patchwork !!! oufff ! Thank you.
Thanh Van,
tu nous lis dans l'ombre, surveillant les mouvements de chacun
avec perspicacité et sors à la lumière ,au moment opportun !
Post Tenebras Lux, Ngâm`dây' nha !
Cây tixi,
What category is your great photo ? all categories already missed
the deadline : Through the window, Simple pleasure, Light...
This can match the new subject : Transition of night to dawn.
Thank you of this beautiful gift,and once more, happy birthday,
an banh cua ông Tuan mây ngày moi hêt ? L.H. chua kêu hôm nay.
Lan Dior,
Tes photos de la " belle" paisible Suisse ne sont pas à l'image
de ta personnalité "tout -sauf- đầm -già -hái-nho " .
la photo jointe est pour toi, prochaine virée à travers les vignes
en Harley ?
Tuan,la photo est très belle ! L'ébullition d'un chantier à travers
une machine en marche et la couleur orange dynamique.
Triet, pour illustrer une transition,il faut un avant- aprés,non ?
ex :Thanh Lan à 20 ans, Thanh Lan à 60 . :>)
Nhà o co', con o co', cho' mèo cung o, mà Triet doi`mây' thu*' này .
Fw: [MC74 and Friends] My contribution for: The theme is light ...
O super duper all powerful ladies of the high level committee and friends,
As I was driving to work early one morning last week in a deserted back road of Texas, it was still dark, dusty, cold, and barren with just rocks, sands, a few cows, and a long bumpy dirt road ahead. The darkness was slowly and surely unveiled by the rising sun in the eastern horizon. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, the sun just popped out in all its splendor, blazing in full strength, wanting to dominate the landscape and blind us with all its glowing fire… While struggling to keep my car from going off the road, I had a Kodak moment, immediately grabbed my phone and quickly snapped a shot (highly NOT advisable while driving unless you’re in the middle of nowhere in TX) thru the window in the hope of capturing the first light of the day and all of its rage.
This picture, Raging First Light, is especially dedicated to Triet, Em Ci, and Cao Tieu Thu J
cay ti xi
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