Saturday, January 19, 2013

Finally my entries for looking down

Dear PNEHs friends,

Looks like I'll have the honor to close the theme with my entries
for looking down.

But first thank you:
- Caro for taking us along on your tour of the exotic Southern hemisphere
- Hien Lan - I love those shoes and I even remember what she ordered and what the waiter brought out LOL
- Em Ci for the varied angles of looking down shots and my favorite is also the red pepper basket.
- Hiep - for joining us with the scrumptious looking cake
- Tuan - I love the spades
- TNS - for mo*? hang` dau nam and my fovorite pic is Mandy and Tim
- Thu Huong - for the magnifique aquarelles comme d'hab
- and last but not least, G Quang for your nice words of encouragement to us all.

My entries are a ham ba lang mix of photos taken recently:
- looking down at the only flowers blooming at this time of the year
- another reflection from the frequent rain
and from June:
- to see if Lan remembers whose shoes those were?
- and show you Gruissans and the etang and the Mediterranee :-)
- and the Golden Gate Bridge and SF skyline

Have a beautiful weekend everyone,

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